
From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 14:20, 13 October 2010 by Qiii2006 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''订阅''':使用上面的链接并使用mailman界面,或发送信件到''列表名称''-request@kde.org,信件的标题为subscribe ''你的电子邮件地址''。请...")



  • kde-announce - KDE SC新版本的发布、安全公告、和新的KDE应用程序通知(非常少)。我们强烈建议除了您所选择的帮助列表外还要加入这个列表。 [订阅 kde-announce] [kde-announce的存档]


我们首先列出 kdepim-users 是因为很多 KDE 使用者依靠 KMail 交流邮件列表。此外的应用程序按字母顺序排列。您还应该检查应用程序专门的网页,可能会发现更多的网址。

订阅:使用上面的链接并使用mailman界面,或发送信件到列表名称-request@kde.org,信件的标题为subscribe 你的电子邮件地址。请填写你真实的电子信箱地址,而不是简单的你的电子邮件位址这几个字,其列表的名称,而不是列表名称这几个字。信件内容保持为空。不要包含签名或其他可能混淆邮件服务器处理您的请求的东西。

To Unsubscribe: Either use the above links and use the mailman interface, or send a mail to list-name-request@kde.org with unsubscribe your-email-address in the subject of the message. Please replace your-email-address with the email address you did use for the subscription, and list-name with the name of the list you subscribed to. Leave the body of the message empty. Do not include a signature or other stuff which might confuse the mail server which processes your request.

Notes: Please do not use HTML to send your request because it makes it difficult for our mail server to process your request. If the subscription address is identical to the address you are posting from you may omit the address in the subject line.

Contact addresses for developers can be found in the documentation of their individual applications.

Disclaimer The KDE Community consists of a loose affiliation of developers, writers, translators, artists and other contributors from around the world. Views expressed on the mailing lists are, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views of the poster only, do not reflect the views of the KDE Community and may or may not reflect the views of other KDE contributors.

This list is only a partial list of all the mailing lists for KDE software. A complete list can be found on the mailman server.