Asking Questions/ca: Difference between revisions
Created page with "Si el vostre problema és amb el so al KDE, és possible que vulgueu llegir primer Problemes de so." |
Created page with "Si la vostra pregunta es refereix al desenvolupament, si us plau, veure [ aquesta pàgina]." |
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Si el vostre problema és amb el so al KDE, és possible que vulgueu llegir primer [[Special:myLanguage/Sound_Problems|Problemes de so]]. | Si el vostre problema és amb el so al KDE, és possible que vulgueu llegir primer [[Special:myLanguage/Sound_Problems|Problemes de so]]. | ||
Si la vostra pregunta es refereix al desenvolupament, si us plau, veure [ aquesta pàgina]. | |||
==Operating-System-Specific Questions== | ==Operating-System-Specific Questions== |
Revision as of 22:52, 28 January 2011
Ús de l'IRC per a rebre ajuda
Aquí teniu alguns consells sobre com fer preguntes, especialment en # kde sobre Freenode, de manera que augmenteu les probabilitats d'obtenir respostes:
Sense por, simplement pregunteu: el canal #kde a és de suport als usuaris, de manera que esperem les vostres preguntes. Endavant! .
- Esteu preparat amb tots els detalls pertinents sobre el vostre sistema: Quina distribució (versió?), la versió de KDE que s'executa, com s'ha instal·lat i així successivament. Probablement us caldrà donar tota aquesta informació de forma immediata, però l'heu de tenir a disposició en el cas que algú us la demani.
- Prova de resoldre tu mateix els problemes abans de preguntar: Google és el teu amic (missatges d'error entrats a Google sovint són una font d'ajuda). Hauríeu de fer una ullada a Solució de problemes de KDE. El consell que trobeu aquí podria ser el mateix que a #kde, de manera que primer, prova
- També heu d'assegurar-vos que el problema és referent amb el KDE i no algun altre component del vostre sistema (per exemple, un problema amb X o amb alsa). Si és possible, proveu una aplicació alternativa no-KDE per veure si el problema també es produeix. Per descomptat, si no esteu segur, si us plau pregunteu.
- Assegureu-vos que heu llegit el Manual i les pàgines de Solució de problemes. Encara que no dóna una resposta a totes les preguntes, sí són moltes. Si no us dóna resultat, mireu de preguntar al fòrum. Si la discussió porta informació interessant i que podríeu afegir a UserBase, feu-ho. De manera que pugui ajudar a altres.
- Carregueu-vos de paciència! Sovint, a l'IRC, algú s'adonarà de la vostra pregunta un xic després de fer-la, de manera que haureu d'esperar un temps. No hi ha res més molest d'escriure que una resposta llarga, només per adonar-vos que esteu a 3 minuts després de fer la pregunta!
- Si no obteniu una resposta en #kde, també podeu provar el canal per a la vostra distribució (per exemple, #suse, #kde-FreeBSD, etc), o en una llista de correu apropiada: vegeu [1]] o el fòrum.
- Per sobre de tot, sigueu pacient i amable. Recordeu que les persones que ajuden són tots voluntaris, i podria estar fent qualsevol altra cosa amb el seu temps en comptes de ajudant.
Si el vostre problema és amb el so al KDE, és possible que vulgueu llegir primer Problemes de so.
Si la vostra pregunta es refereix al desenvolupament, si us plau, veure aquesta pàgina.
Operating-System-Specific Questions
For questions relating to the desktop use of KDE with a particular OS, you can try the above methods, but unless the question directly involves KDE or KDE/GNU/Linux you are unlikely to find the answer. If your question does not directly involve KDE, please do not post the question on the "normal" KDE mailing lists. Examples of questions that do not directly involve KDE: my sound card does not work. In that case, please direct your questions at sites devoted to helping users of that system. For example, for GNU/Linux questions you may try looking at or, or the kde-linux mailing list mentioned above.
If you are not using GNU/Linux, you might want to try the kde-nonlinux (subscribe) mailing list. Also particularly useful are searches on your favorite search engine, such as Google, and searches on the Usenet archives.
In addition, many OS distributors have their own mailing lists which can address distribution-specific issues. You can find out more about these mailing lists at your distribution's website.
If you are searching for packages you may consider checking the ftp servers for your distribution, including the "contrib" sections, as well as indexing servers such as
Reporting KDE Bugs
Reporting bugs is a small but valuable contribution to KDE, and there's a website where you can report any bug or feature request you have about KDE: The only requirement on your side is basic knowledge of English. With that, and following some additional guidelines, you'll be able to report helpful bug reports and thus help the whole KDE community and yourself.
The first thing you need is to open an account in the website. You can start here. Once you have a validated account, you can report.
There are usually two different situations to report a bug:
- You notice something which is not working properly or not working at all, a bad design, a missed functionality... If this is your case, open the application Some information will be automatically picked up, like the application version number. menu. You will then be guided to
- Your program disappears and another window appears named "The KDE crash Handler". Don't get scared! You will be guided to efficiently report this crash. The link in the dialog "Learn more about bug reporting" will explain you the process. If you choose to report the problem, click on and an assistant will guide you through the steps. The requisite to report a crash is to have your distribution debug packages installed in order to provide a valid backtrace.
And these are a few tips on how to write good bug reports:
- Write it in English. You can switch every KDE application language through , so go there and choose American English as the primary language. Then restart the application. That can help you in explaining what happens.
- Be specific. One bug per report only! Do not mix different problems in the same report.
- Be clear. Explain the steps that lead to the bug so that we can reproduce them easily.
- Include screenshots: a picture is worth many words so attach a screenshot to the bug report. You can use KSnapshot to take screenshots. Also, do not link to an external web link which can expire, use the Attachments link at the bottom of the bug report.
- Include the backtrace within the bug report as a comment, it makes it easier to find duplicates for us (do not attach the backtrace as a text file).
- Clearly separate facts from speculation: only describe what happens. For a design problem, include a mock-up if possible.
If you are testing trunk or the beta, if you kept your precedent settings, sometimes you will want to check with a new user or by setting a new $KDEHOME (and restarting your user). Do not delete your $KDEHOME as you will maybe need the current files to compare with the new ones and also you would lose your settings!
Also notice that Forums have a section about Beta Releases.
How to open a console
Typically when reporting a problem in IRC or on a mailing list, your helpers will ask you to open a console. A console is a text-based window that you can use to give commands for your computer to execute. You can open a console by typing ALT_F2. An input box opens. Type the following to open a console:
If this does not work, you may not have it installed. In this case, type ALT_F2 and input:
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