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Bakthariq (talk | contribs)
Created page with 'Berikut ini beberapa tips tentang cara mengajukan pertanyaan terutama pada channel #kde di Freenode dengan cara yang kemungkinan besar akan mendapatkan jawaban:'
Bakthariq (talk | contribs)
Created page with '* '''Tidak usah permisi untuk bertanya, langsung tanya saja''': #kde adalah salauran untuk menolong pengguna jadi memang kami mengarapakan adanya pertanyaan - silakan bertanya [[...'
Line 5: Line 5:
Berikut ini beberapa tips tentang cara mengajukan pertanyaan terutama pada channel #kde di Freenode dengan cara yang kemungkinan besar akan mendapatkan jawaban:
Berikut ini beberapa tips tentang cara mengajukan pertanyaan terutama pada channel #kde di Freenode dengan cara yang kemungkinan besar akan mendapatkan jawaban:

* '''Don't ask to ask, just ask''': #kde is a user support channel, so we expect your questions - go right ahead [[Image:Face-smile.png]].
* '''Tidak usah permisi untuk bertanya, langsung tanya saja''': #kde adalah salauran untuk menolong pengguna jadi memang kami mengarapakan adanya pertanyaan - silakan bertanya [[Image:Face-smile.png]].

* '''Be ready with any relevant details about your system''': What distribution (what version?), what version of KDE you are running, how you installed it and so on. You probably won't need to give all of this information straight away, but you should have it available in case someone asks.
* '''Be ready with any relevant details about your system''': What distribution (what version?), what version of KDE you are running, how you installed it and so on. You probably won't need to give all of this information straight away, but you should have it available in case someone asks.

Revision as of 10:22, 15 July 2010

Pedoman Umum

Berikut ini beberapa tips tentang cara mengajukan pertanyaan terutama pada channel #kde di Freenode dengan cara yang kemungkinan besar akan mendapatkan jawaban:

  • Tidak usah permisi untuk bertanya, langsung tanya saja: #kde adalah salauran untuk menolong pengguna jadi memang kami mengarapakan adanya pertanyaan - silakan bertanya .
  • Be ready with any relevant details about your system: What distribution (what version?), what version of KDE you are running, how you installed it and so on. You probably won't need to give all of this information straight away, but you should have it available in case someone asks.
  • Try to do some troubleshooting yourself before asking: Google is your friend (entering error messages into Google often finds something useful). You should take a look at Troubleshooting KDE Problems - the advice there is probably what you'll be told in #kde anyway, so try it first .
  • Also, try to make sure that the problem you're having is a problem with KDE and not some other component of your system (for example, a problem with X or with alsa). If possible, try an alternative, non-KDE application to see whether the problem also occurs there. Of course, if you're not sure, please ask.
  • Make sure that you have Read The Fine Manual and the Troubleshooting pages. Although not every question is answered there, many are. If you think that your question is a common one that others would like the answer to, try asking it on the forum. If the discussion brings up interesting information you might also want to suggest it to community-wg@kde.org with a view to getting it included on the wiki.
  • Be prepared to wait! Often, someone will notice your question a little while after you ask it, so wait around for a while after you ask. There's nothing more annoying than typing out a long answer for someone, only to realise that they left 3 minutes after asking their question!
  • If you don't get an answer on #kde, you can also try the channel for your distribution (eg, #suse, #kde-freebsd, etc), or an appropriate mailing list: see lists.kde.org or forum.
  • Above all, be patient and polite. Remember that the people who help are all volunteers, and could be spending their time doing other things than helping.

If your problem is with sound in KDE, you might want to first read Sound_Problems.

If your question relates to development, please see this page

Operating-System-Specific Questions

For questions relating to the desktop use of KDE with a particular OS, you can try the above methods, but unless the question directly involves KDE or KDE/GNU/Linux you are unlikely to find the answer. If your question does not directly involve KDE, please do not post the question on the "normal" KDE mailing lists. Examples of questions that do not directly involve KDE: my sound card does not work. In that case, please direct your questions at sites devoted to helping users of that system. For example, for GNU/Linux questions you may try looking at www.linuxnewbie.org or www.linuxnewbie.com, or the kde-linux mailing list mentioned above.

Jika Anda tidak menggunakan GNU/Linux Anda mungkin dapat mencoba milis kde-nonlinux (subscribe). Dan yang sangat berguna adalah pencarian dengan menggunakan mesin pencari favorit Anda seperti Google dan arsip Usenet.

In addition, many OS distributors have their own mailing lists which can address distribution-specific issues. You can find out more about these mailing lists at your distribution's website.

If you are searching for rpms you may consider checking the ftp servers for your distribution, including the "contrib" sections, as well as more general servers such as rpmfind.net.

Reporting KDE Bugs

Please report all KDE bugs and feature requests at bugs.kde.org. The site has a nice bug-reporting "wizard" and will permit far easier tracking of bugs than an email to a list.

How to open a console

Typically when reporting a problem in IRC or on a mailing list, your helpers will ask you to open a console. A console is a text-based window that you can use to give commands for your computer to execute. You can open a console by typing ALT_F2. An input box opens. Type the following to open a console:


If this does not work, you may not have it installed. In this case, type ALT_F2 and input:


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