Que es KDE
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Así que has instalado KDE por primera vez, o tal vez estás regresando a KDE después de una larga odisea en algún otro lugar, o de pronto estás planeando usarlo pero quieres averiguar primero qué es KDE. ¿Qué es esta brillante cosa que te mira fijamente desde tu ordenador?
Una comunidad internacional

KDE es más que software. Es también una comunidad formada por programadores, traductores, colaboradores, artistas, escritores, distribuidores y usuarios de todo el mundo. El equipo internacional de tecnología de KDE está comprometido a crear el mejor software libre de escritorio. Y no sólo los colaboradores, también los aficionados y usuarios de KDE se pueden encontrar en todo el mundo, ayudando a otros usuarios, difundiendo noticias, o simplemente disfrutando de la experiencia que es KDE.
(Imagen cortesía de Wade Olson)
Un espacio de trabajo nuevo y brillante

KDE comenzó su vida como un entorno de escritorio. Como las actividades han aumentado, KDE es ahora equipo internacional que crea software libre y de fuentes abiertas.
What this means in practice is that the many programs from the KDE community work together to give you the best possible computing experience. Does that mean you can't use a KDE application if you don't use the KDE desktop? Not at all. With the help of one or two extra libraries the applications can be used on almost any desktop. What's more, some of that software no longer runs only on Linux - some of the new tiny devices, smartphones and internet tablets, have KDE applications!
There are a variety of programs to suit any user's needs, from simple yet powerful text editors, to rocking audio and video players, to the most sophisticated integrated development environment. Plus, KDE applications follow a consistent look and feel across the desktop, giving you a comfortable and familiar experience when using any KDE program. Every six months a new, updated version of a huge number of applications is released - and that's known as the Software Compilation (SC). Some other applications don't update at the same time, but release new versions independently.
KDE software has several other features that makes it a top-class working environment, such as:
- A beautiful and modern desktop
- A flexible and configurable system, letting you customize applications without too much editing of text files
- Network transparency allows you to easily access files on other networks and computers as if they were on your own computer
- A software ecosystem of hundreds, even thousands, of programs
- Availability in over 60 languages
Free Software
KDE software isn't just any software. It is Free Software. As a user, this is an important fact, even without getting deep into technical or legal considerations. Why? Because as free software, you are free to use KDE wherever you want and in whatever manner you want, no activation keys and no installation limits. And you're free to share it with others as well! So not only do you have in your hands great and powerful software, but you can also give your family and friends the opportunity to enjoy it, too.

KDE is a huge community of people who create software. As such, there are many aspects to the KDE Platform. Some of the more fundamental pieces of the platform are:
- the Plasma workspace - the user interface element, customized for different devices such as PCs, notebooks, or mobile devices
- elements of the KDE Platform - exposes common functionality to applications
- KDE Applications - software programs that are written to utilize the platform
There's more!
And it doesn't stop there! The KDE community has lots more to offer!
- Other Platforms - Some KDE applications are available for Windows, Mac OS X, and portable devices such as Nokia N810.
- Office and Productivity Suite - KDE is not only fun, it can help you get productive and organized as well.
- Application Development Framework - Dreaming of writing the next killer app? KDE software and community support can help you with that.
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