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Esta página se centra principalmente en la solución de problemas de Akonadi, puesto que hay fallos inevitables en las primeras etapas de la migración. Para mucha gente los primeros signos de actividad de Akonadi llegarán con KDE SC 4.4, y muchos se sentirán confusos. Para ver una breve descripción del propósito de Akonadi, visita esta entrada del Glosario. También encontrarás enlaces útiles a otras lecturas Una vez que los inevitables problemas iniciales se acaben, Akonadi proporcionará todo su poder a muchas aplicaciones.

Comprender la estructura

Por supuesto, puedes simplemente usar Kontact para gestionar tu libreta de direcciones, pero si utilizas algún sistema de copias de seguridad, por ejemplo, querrás saber donde están tus datos, y como se manipulan. La página Akonadi y AddressBook te ayudará.

Consejos para la resolución de problemas

  • Cuando informes sobre problemas con el servidor Akonadi, incluye siempre el exhaustivo informe de autoevaluación. Este informe puedes obtenerlo del diálogo de autoevaluación que se muestra siempre que el servidor Akonadi no ha sido capaz de iniciarse con éxito. Puedes encontrar el diálogo de autoevaluación en kcmmodule que es accesible vía:
kcmshell4 kcm_akonadi
  • Iniciar el servidor Akonadi manualmente desde una terminal puede proporcionar información adicional. Puedes hacer esto ejecutando el siguiente comando en una consola:
akonadictl start

Similarly, with this command the Akonadi server can be stopped again:

akonadictl stop

This command gives more useful information:

akonadictl status

Problemas comunes

Kontact no se inicia, y no muestra ningún mensaje

Si Kontact no se inicia y no muestra ningún mensaje de error, comprueba que Akonadi esté ejecutándose. Akonadi debería arrancar cuando es demandado. Si no es tu caso, deberás iniciarlo antes de arrancar Kontact si tienes algún recurso migrado (posiblemente KAddressBook). Utiliza el icono Akonadi en la bandeja del sistema (para que aparezca, teclea "akonadi" en KRunner) o teclea la orden en konsole para iniciarlo.

Kontact no se inicia - versión II

Se sabe que Kontact es afectado después de una actualización. Si esto ocurre, intenta ejecutar KMail, KOrganizer o cualquier otra aplicación desde KRunner (o Konsole). Hay muchas posibilidades de que funcionen como aplicaciones independientes mientras buscas que es lo que ha ido mal. Esto afecta principalmente a la versión 4.4.0.

Folder not found: "/Local"

Algunas personas han informado de este error, cuando Kontact no se inicia. En las primeras versiones de la serie 4.4 parece ser un fallo en la migración que indica a KMail que busque el correo local en ~/.local/share/Local, un directorio que no ha sido configurado. La solución para esto es, con KMail/Kontact cerrados, abrir la Consola de Akonadi:

  • Usa krunner, Alt-F2, o
  • "akonadiconsole" konsole

Then remove the resource that it says is for local mail. You should now find that you can start Kontact or KMail, and that a new resource will be created, pointing to ~/.local/share/local-mail

Hay otras carpetas nuevas en ~/.local/share/

Si. Si tu libreta de direcciones se ha migrado correctamente, se habrá creado un nuevo recurso en ~/.local/share/contacts/

¿Qué son /usr/bin/akonadi_maildir_resource y /usr/bin/akonadi_maildispatcher_agent?

El akonadi_maildir_resource es creado automáticamente por el akonadi_maildispatcher_agent, mientras que el segundo siempre se inicia junto con el Servidor Akonadi puesto que proporciona funcionalidad básica (por ejemplo, enviar un correo electrónico) que es usada por las aplicaciones de correo electrónico que están (o estarán) basadas en Akonadi. Por lo tanto, si eres un usuario normal, puedes ignorar que estas dos aplicaciones estén en ejecución. El recurso autogenerado akonadi_maildir_resource, siempre apuntará a ~/.local/share/local-mail/ que es donde se guardarán tus carpetas y correos locales.

En este momento, con KDE SC 4.4, el correo electrónico no está siendo migrado.

Los agentes de indexado de Nepomuk han sido desactivados

Kontact funciona pero siempre ves el siguiente aviso:

La razón más común para ver este aviso es que Nepomuk simplemente está desactivado en System Settings. Por favor, prueba a activarlo en System Settings: Avanzado -> Búsqueda de Escritorio -> Opciones básicas marcando "Escritorio semántico Nepomuk" y haciendo clic en "Aplicar".

Si esto no te funciona (o si la opción ya estaba marcada cuando recibías el mensaje de error) y si has estado utilizando versiones preliminares de KDE SC 4.4, puedes estar afectado por un cambio en el diseño de la base de datos (debido a una actualización del servidor de bases de datos Virtuoso desde la versión 5 a la versión 6; se espera que las versiones de producción de KDE SC 4.4 trabajen con la versión 6 de Virtuoso). Las siguientes órdenes deberían hacer que volviera a funcionar:

qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer /nepomukserver org.kde.NepomukServer.quit

rm -r ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk rm -r ~/.kde4/share/apps/nepomuk


Note that the above commands will not enable Nepomuk permanently if it isn't already enabled, you have to use System Settings for that.

Para que Akonadi, y por tanto Kontact, funcione es necesario que Nepomuk esté en ejecución. Sin embargo, puedes desactivar el indexador de archivos Strigi, el cual no es necesitado por Kontact. El indexador de archivos Strigi es utilizado para las búsquedas de escritorio únicamente, por lo que no guarda relación con Kontact. Simplemente debes asegurarte de que Nepomuk esté en ejecución correctamente para que funcione Kontact.

En Kontact, Nepomuk es utilizado para muchas cosas diferentes, desde mostrar los próximos cumpleaños, pasando por la gestión de listas libre/ocupado, hasta mostrar la foto de un contacto en el visor de mensajes. Si Nepomuk no está en ejecución, varias cosas en Kontact dejarán de funcionar. El aviso está ahí para alertarte sobre la funcionalidad reducida. La activación de Nepomuk como se describe más arriba soluciona el problema.

Puedes comprobar si Nepomuk está funcionando correctamente tecleando

     akonadictl status

akonadictl status

Quiero utilizar mi libreta de direcciones y organizador actuales. ¿Puedo?

Si. Cuando utilices la Consola de Akonadi para añadir recursos, te permite elegirlo como Libreta de direcciones estándar - teniendo en cuenta que tu std.vcf debería funcionar bien. La migración no destruye tu libreta de direcciones antigua. Puedes continuar usándola, aunque perderás los beneficios que trae Akonadi. Como alternativa, puedes tener ambas, una libreta de direcciones de Akonadi y la tuya original, durante un tiempo, si te sientes más seguro de esa manera.

I can't see any details in my Address Book

At the moment, the cause of this is not identified, but the cure is simple. Close Kontact, and start KAddressBook as a stand-alone application. After you close it you will be able to use it within Kontact. It seems that something is not being triggered when Kontact launches, and I expect this to be identified and fixed soon. This seems to mainly affect version 4.4.0.

My contacts don't show when I use the Select button in KMail

Check System Settings -> Advanced tab -> KDE Resources. Make sure that your Akonadi controlled address book(s) are listed there - add them if necessary. At the same time, it's a good idea to make your main Akonadi addressbook, usually called "Personal Contacts", is set to be the default. More details of how this can be found in here.

How do I get my Groupware addressbook back?

Two solutions: using the old framework or the new one.

Old framework: In akonadiconsole, add a "KDE Address Book (traditional)". The KDE Address Book means you can set up old kresources for Akonadi. In the configuration of "KDE Address Book (traditional)", you point it to an "IMAP over KMail" KResource and in KMail, the groupware options should be enabled. This should work for Kolab, eGroupware and similar addressbooks - you will need to check the options to make sure that the correct type is selected.

New framework (only tested with Kolab): In the Akonadi configuration module add an "IMAP E-Mail Server" resource, and set up your mail server name, username and password, then click Auto-Detect. Run this command to see it:

kcmshell4 kcm_akonadi

Then add a Kolab resource. The next step is to wait for the imap resource to synchronize, which can take quite a long time. The status will appear in the Akonadi configuration module. If nothing happens, try restarting akonadiserver. After some time the Kolab addressbook(s) should appear in KAddressBook.

You experience long delays when sending mail

This is accompanied by KMail freezing until the mail is actually dispatched.

A bug has been found in the way Nepomuk checks addresses, which can cause huge delays. This is fixed for SC 4.4.1. If you cannot get 4.4.1 yet, there is this work-around:

Close Kontact, or KMail and KAddressbook if you are running stand-alone apps. Disable Strigi in SystemSettings. Stop Nepomuk, delete the database and restart nepomukserver. The actual commands you need are (as user):

qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer /nepomukserver org.kde.NepomukServer.quit

rm -r ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk rm -r ~/.kde4/share/apps/nepomuk


This will, of course, wipe out all the database, including any tags you've added. In theory, I understand that it's possible to do a more selective wipe of the database. If this matters to you you can find the instructions at this page

Some Technical Issues


Starting with KDE 4.4, it is required that Nepomuk is running in order for Akonadi to work correctly. Akonadi will check this and display an error dialog on startup if this is not the case.

Nepomuk only works with the Virtuoso backend. You can check whether the Nepomuk is running with the correct backend by using the Akonadi self-test dialog, as described above.

Although Nepomuk is required to be running, you can still disable Strigi file indexing, which is usually the most resource-intensive part of the Nepomuk framework.


Some distributions using Apparmor have it set up in a way that prevents Akonadi from running its internal database server. This can result in a variety of fuzzy error messages, including but not limited to the following:

unknown error 255 when running akonadictl

"DB error: 'Could not open required defaults file: /home/$username/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf"

You can solve this by running the following command with root privileges then reload apparmor:

aa-complain mysqld

On Kubuntu this is:

sudo aa-complain mysqld
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload

Note that you might be using Apparmor even if it does not show up in the process list.

Also note that some distributions ship an additional mysqld binary called mysqld-akonadi which has AppArmor set up correctly. If that's the case on your system and you see this problem nevertheless, there are two possible reasons:

  • Akonadi still uses mysqld instead of mysqld-akonadi. You can change that in Systemsettings -> Advanced -> Akonadi -> Server configuration.
  • AppArmor is not setup correctly for mysqld-akonadi either. Try running the "aa-complain" command noted above with mysqld-akonadi instead of mysqld.


You will also experience this problem if you are running an encrypted home directory using encryptfs combined with AppArmor as the Akonadi apparmor profile currently does not account for an ecrypted home (common with Ubuntu Jaunty users). Error messages with include:

  • dmesg produces:
ecryptfs_do_create: Failure to create dentry in lower fs; rc = [-13]
ecryptfs_create: Failed to create file inlower filesystem
  • Akonadi will list the following errors:
Akonadi server process not registered at D-Bus

The fix is to edit the following file "/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld-akonadi". Below the line:

@{HOME}/.local/share/akonadi/** rwk,

Add a new line:

@{HOME}/.Private/** rwk,

Restart apparmor and restart akonadi.

Missing Prerequisite

To use Akonadi you need to have the following packages installed (names might differ depending on your distribution):

  • The MySQL server (called mysql on openSUSE)
  • The Qt4 MySQL plugin (called libqt4-sql-mysql on openSUSE)

If you compile Qt4 yourself, make sure to tell the configure script to build in MySQL support by passing it the following option:


If "configure" cannot locate the necessary MySQL client code (i.e, says "MySQL support cannot be enabled due to functionality tests") then ensure that the corresponding package is installed (typically called [lib]mysql[client]-dev[el]). Also, depending on the install location of the MySQL headers, additional parameters to "configure" might be needed (eg. "-I /usr/include/mysql" on OpenSuse).

If you get the Qt4 direct from Nokia, such as a download of qt-sdk-linux-x86_64-opensource-2009.05.bin, you will ( by the command "akonadictl start") get an error at Test 1:

Database driver not found.

Details: The QtSQL driver 'QMYSQL' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration. The following drivers are installed: QSQLITE.

Make sure the required driver is installed.

The driver you need is

Unfortunately this driver is not part of the distribution (until january 2010). You need to compile the source. Download the following file:

Then configure and make as above. But the make install doesn't copy the driver. So you have to copy it by yourself:

cp <qt-src-dir>/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.0/plugins/sqldrivers/ /usr/local/bin/sqldrivers/

But the Revision 4.6.1, such as qt-sdk-linux-x86_64-opensource-2010.xx.bin has the driver you needed.

Environment Setup

The Akonadi server searches for Akonadi agents and resources in the paths defined in the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable. If Akonadi complains about not finding agents or resources, check if this variable is set correctly. Also keep in mind that even if set in a current console session, it might not have been set when starting the server. Starting the server manually in the current console session excludes this cause.

mysqld: unknown variable 'innodb_file_per_table=1'

If the MySQL server log contains the following error, then your MySQL server was built without the InnoDB support which is required by Akonadi or InnoDB needs to be loaded in your mysql.conf file:

[ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: unknown variable 'innodb_file_per_table=1'

[ERROR] Aborting

Try adding:

#sql_mode=strict_trans_tables <- Add underneath this line
  1. plugins

plugin_dir=usr/lib/mysql/plugin < - This may be a different path

Table 'mysql. servers' doesn't exist

If MySQL server log contains the following error, then, most probably, you don't have your MySQL configuration file in place:

[ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist

[ERROR] Cannot open mysql.db [ERROR] Cannot open mysql.user

[ERROR] Cannot open mysql.event

Copy it from /usr/share/config/akonadi/mysql-global.conf into ~/.config/akonadi/mysql-local.conf. (For debian and openSuSE users the file ist located in /etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf). Then open it and uncomment the line sql_mode=strict_trans_tables. After that, you may get the following errors:

[ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.

[ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed. [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported table type: innodb

[ERROR] Aborting

If so, then in the same file find the line that starts just like the one above (which you have uncommented), but has additional parameters, separated by commas (something like sql_mode=strict_trans_tables,strict_all_tables, ...etc). Comment the shorter sql_mode=... line and uncomment the longer one.

On openSUSE 11.2 running the following command will fix this problem:

mysql_install_db --datadir=$HOME/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/

Kubuntu 10.4 Upgrade

This is a summary of other entries here for those upgrading from Kubuntu 9.10 to 10.4 who may have been using a personal package archive (PPA) for KDE 4.3 for bug fixes.

Install missing prerequisites. Remove previous akonadi cache. Start the akonadi service. Install the database. Upgrade the database. Stop and restart the akonadi service.

sudo apt-get install virtuoso-server mysql-server-5.1

rm -r $HOME/.local/share/akonadi akonadictl start mysql_install_db --datadir=$HOME/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/ mysql_upgrade --socket=$HOME/.local/share/akonadi/db_misc/mysql.socket akonadictl stop

akonadictl start

The mysql_install_db command above will report something like the following, which you can safely ignore:

Installing MySQL system tables...

100501 18:04:30 [Warning] Can't create test file


Reference: Akonadi 1.2.1 - some issues

KAddressBook upgrade

In addition to the Kubuntu 10.4 remedy above, problems trying to add a Vcard directory may require the following command while Akonadi is not running:

rm -rf $HOME/.config/akonadi

Can't initialize character set latin1

If you get the following error when starting Akonadi, then you are probably using a MySQL server which has a version > 5.1.42:

Character set 'latin1' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml' file

Nepomuk QueryServer interface not available! Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString) DataStore::unhideAllPimItems() Character set 'latin1' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml' file Database error: Cannot open database. Last driver error: "QMYSQL: Unable to connect" Last database error: "Can't initialize character set latin1 (path: /usr/share/mysql/charsets/)" Database error: Cannot open database. Last driver error: "QMYSQL: Unable to connect" Last database error: "Can't initialize character set latin1 (path:


There is a known regression in MySQL 5.1.43 and 5.1.44 which prevents MySQL from starting.

See the bug report for more details.

Restarting after a previous error

If you had problems starting Akonadi and fixed those (such as a missing package or the Apparmor problem) make sure that the Akonadi server is completely shut down before trying to start it again, by calling on the command line:

akonadictl stop

You can confirm that it was indeed shut down completely by running:

akonadictl status

Under some circumstances the Akonadi server can be stuck in a partially running state after a failure which will prevent the next attempt to start it to fail as well. Please file a bug report if you run into this problem including the self-test report of the initial problem.

The so-called "Gentoo-Assert"

That's an especially nasty problem that so far only affects users of source-based distributions, most prominently Gentoo. It is named after MySQL assertions like the following example and is most likely caused by a MySQL protocol mismatch between the MySQL server and the client library or the Qt MySQL driver.

{Output|akonadiserver: libmysql.c:4301: setup_one_fetch_function: Assertion

`param->buffer_length != 0' failed.}}

It is extremely hard to diagnose as the assertion mentioned above are only triggered sometimes. Instead you'll get a wide range of weird symptoms:

  • ASAP protocol logs show successful creation of objects which are supposedly no longer available when the next commands accesses them again.
  • SQL protocol logs show INSERT or UPDATE commands with values that mismatch the corresponding column types and nevertheless succeed.
  • SQL protocol logs showing large apparently random record ids which are nevertheless considered valid.


Possible solution: Rebuild the Qt MySQL driver after upgrading MySQL (which most likely caused this problem in the first place).