Amarok 快速上手 Amarok 窗口
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Amarok 窗口
Amarok 窗口是设计的默认用户界面,宗旨是能让你重新发掘音乐。此外,也尽可能的设计使其能展现最大化的音乐视觉信息。虽然多数用户使用默认布局就可满足需求,但若你喜欢其他布局的话,布局其实可是能完全根据需求定制的。
默认的 Amarok 窗口布局
安装完成后,Amarok 看起来是这样的:
The Amarok window has four main components:
- right under the top-level menus is the Toolbar that lies above three panes:
- your Media Sources (music collection and other media) in the left pane,
- the Context pane in the center, and
- the Playlist in the right-hand pane
Using the Amarok window to manage and play your music
Playing music using Amarok usually takes two steps:
- Create a playlist by selecting some of the music in your collection you want to listen to in the Playlist pane.
- Play the music in your playlist, using the Playlist pane and/or the Toolbar.
Additionally, you may wish to transfer some of your music to a mobile music player, such as an iPod. The next sections will help you with these tasks.