Kopete/Jabber/Crea tu cuenta Jabber
Ahora cuando arranques Kopete verás una ventana vacía
En la parte inferior pone . Haz clic ahí o abre para crear una cuenta nueva. Queremos crear una cuenta Jabber, por lo que seleccionamos el elemento y hacemos clic en . Después de hacer clic en , una nueva ventana se abrirá donde podemos indicar el servidor Jabber donde se creará la cuenta.
You can either manually write it into the textbox or select it from the provided list, which appears after clicking on the button
After selecting a server you are able to complete your desired Jabber-ID, i.e. your username. Add your prefered name in front of the "@" in the field . After filling in your password and repeating it you should tick the checkbox for having an encrypted client-server connection.
Some servers might not be capable of this option, but most of them are. Now click on to finish the registration.
Congratulations, you have now registered a new account on a Jabber server!
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