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Amarok/Guía de inicio rápido/La vista contextual

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Revision as of 02:02, 22 August 2010 by Alejandro Nova (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'El poder de Amarok reside en la ''Vista Contextual'', que, por defecto, se ubica al centro de la ventana de Amarok. Aquí usted puede instalar varios módulos o ''applets'', que ...')
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The Context View

El poder de Amarok reside en la Vista Contextual, que, por defecto, se ubica al centro de la ventana de Amarok. Aquí usted puede instalar varios módulos o applets, que le ayudarán a disfrutar y explorar su música. La mayoría de la información adicional se obtiene de Internet, por lo que una conexión es muy importante para obtener los máximos resultados de su panel contextual. Por defecto, 3 applets están visibles: Pista actual, Letras y Wikipedia.

Default layout

The default Context pane searches for the lyrics of the song you are playing. If it finds the lyrics, it displays this in the bottom half of the Context pane, while the top banner of the Context pane displays the album cover and track information for the current music. Sometimes lyrics are not available, because they may not be stored in an appropriate resource on the Internet. In addition, the track information for the current track needs to be tagged correctly for lyrics to be found. If lyrics are not found, this can be due to various reasons, amongst them wrong informations in the Internet sources like incorrect numbering system of the tracks within the album, and the mis-representation of unusual text, such as when the title of a track should contain characters with a circumflex, cedille or accent (ê,ç,à), but does not.

Customizing the Context pane

At the bottom of the context pane are three buttons for the default applets. On the right of these buttons you see a wrench, clicking on it will show a red X allowing you to remove these applets. Click the green + to add more display options (see image below). Drag the labeled buttons to re-order the applets you have, and click the wrench again to fix your selections. This makes the context pane extremely flexible, maximizing the possibility of a custom display that fits your preferences.