- Reference: DPL Manual
- See also Pipesmoker's notes and this page of examples
To count translated pages in a specific language:
<DPL> titlematch = %/en notnamespace = Translations columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages (partly) translated to English. These are:\n </DPL>
There are 847 pages (partly) translated to English. These are:
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/en
- Konversation/Distributions/Chakra/en
- Konversation/Distributions/Xandros/en
- Kmail/Distributions/Gentoo/en
- Tellico/Compiling/en
- Konversation/Distributions/ArkLinux/en
- Krita/en
- Rekonq/Manual/en
- Semantik/en
- Konversation/Distributions/Fedora/en
- Konversation/Distributions/Mageia/en
- System Settings/Icons/en
- Plasmate/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/Clip Monitor/en
- System Settings/Fonts (Category)/en
- Kopete/AIM/en
- KMail/Screenshots/en
- System Settings/Workspace/en
- Tools/en
- Konversation/Distributions/Gentoo/en
- System Settings/Launch Feedback/en
- Kopete/Auto Replace/en
- System Settings/Removable Storage/en
- System Settings/Color/en
- System Settings/Spell Check/en
- System Settings/Touch Screen/en
- Kopete/Yahoo/en
- System Settings/Plasma Search/en
- Kmail/Distributions/OpenSUSE/en
- System Settings/Account Details/en
- System Settings/Notifications/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Hue/en
- Plan/Tutorials/en
- System Settings/Workspace Theme/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/Show Title Bars/en
- KDevelop4/en
- KWord/Manual/en
- Konversation/Distributions/openSUSE/en
- System Settings/Search/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/Screen Grab/en
- System Settings/KDE Wallet/en
- Kdesvn/en
- Konversation/Distributions/ArchLinux/en
- KDiskFree/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphaxor/en
- Kile/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Appendix B. Comparing Kexi to other database applications/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/Effect List/en
- Kwlan/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Clip Menu/Rename Clip/en
- Okteta/Tutorials/en
- System Settings/Regional Settings/en
- System Settings/Plasma Theme/en
- System Settings/Online Accounts/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Clip Menu/Locate Clip/en
- KDirStat/en
- KNemo/en
- KNotes/en
- Kexi/File Format Support/en
- System Settings/Touchpad/en
- Showfoto/en
- System Settings/Activities/en
- LemonPOS/en
- System Settings/Mouse/en
- System Settings/Emoticon Theme/en
- Kopete/Firewall/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/screen/en
- System Settings/Formats/en
- KAddressBook/index/en
- KDE preinstalled/en
- Yakuake/en
- System Settings/Web Shortcuts/en
- Rekonq/Manual/Introduction/en
- KImageMapEditor/en
- KMPlayer/en
- KOrganizer/Calendar/en
- Kio-audiocd/en
- System Settings/File Search/en
- System Settings/Shortcuts/en
- System Settings/Splash Screen/en
- System Settings/Language/en
- Konversation/Distributions/Slackware/en
- System Settings/Application Style/en
- Kig/Screenshots/en
- Accessibility/en
- System Settings/Font/en
- System Settings/GNOME Application Style (GTK)/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Clip Menu/Delete Clip/en
- System Settings/Screen Locking/en
- KFormula/en
- Kio gopher/en
- System Settings/Virtual Desktops/en
- KtikZ/en
- Flow/en
- KMouth/en
- Konversation/Scripts/Media/en
- Accessibility/Application Overview/en
- System Settings/Window Rules/en
- KJots/en
- System Settings/Mouse Cursor Theme/en
- Braindump/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Kexi Basics/Opening an existing Kexi database file/en
- System Settings/Locations/en
- KSniffer/en
- System Settings/Applications/en
- KIPI/en
- KOrganizer/ImpData/en
- Browser Configuration/en
- KDE Connect/Tutorials/Adding commands/en
- Plan/Engineering To Order project tutorial/en
- KGraphviewer/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Clip Menu/Extract Audio/en
- System Settings/Icon Theme/en
- Amarok/Manual/Introduction/en
- System Settings/Windows Management/en
- Blogilo/en
- System Settings/Screen Edges/en
- System Settings/Font Management/en
- Plasma/FAQ/Index/en
- KNode/en
- System Settings/Desktop Session/en
- KOrganizer/Web/en
- Calligra/Handbooks/en
- KuickShow/en
- Peruse/en
- System Settings/Look And Feel/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/Load Layout/en
- KDiff3/en
- Kid3/en
- Amarok/Manual/Playlist/en
- KLinkStatus/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/Audio Spectrum/en
- Kopete/ICQ/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Appendix A. Introduction to Databases/en
- KOrganizer/Alarms/en
- KInfoCenter/en
- System Settings/Connections/en
- System Settings/User Manager/en
- Kleopatra/en
- KAppTemplate/en
- KWrite/en
- Digikam/Faded Effect/en
- Konversation/Distributions/Exherbo/en
- Rocs/en
- KsCD/en
- KWord/Tutorials/en
- Minuet/en
- Digikam/Simple Toning/en
- Akregator/Tutorials/How to get RSS from a Wordpress blog?/en
- System Settings/Desktop Effects/en
- Kbluetooth/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Configuring Kexi/Docking and undocking side panels/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Kexi Basics/Using built-in help/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/ScriptManager/en
- LatteDock/How to report multi screen issues/en
- KFileReplace/en
- System Settings/Desktop Behavior/en
- Konversation/Distributions/Kubuntu/en
- Amarok/Manual/Various/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Command Reference/en
- Kmail/Getting Started/en
- KRuler/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/KeybindingReference/en
- KMediaFactory/en
- KPlayer/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Command Reference/The Tools Tab/en
- Digikam/Quick Tip:Disable Certain File Types/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/en
- KOrganizer/Future/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Titles/Download New Title Templates/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Introduction to Databases/Database Design/en
- KPlato/en
- System Settings/Widget Style/en
- KCalc/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Kexi Basics/Creating a New Database File/en
- KFTPgrabber/en
- KTorrent/en
- Filelight/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/DAAP/en
- KOrganizer/Links/en
- Rekonq/Manual/UI/en
- Kopete/OTR/en
- KTouch/en
- Digikam/BleachBypassEffect/en
- Tutorials/Compose Key Old Version/en
- KMLDonkey/en
- KHelpCenter/en
- Bluedevil/en
- BlinKen/en
- Kompare/en
- KPDF/en
- Kubuntu/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Command Reference/The Kexi Tab/en
- Skanlite/en
- Tutorials/Change the color of the blue folder icon/en
- KAddressBook/Tutorials/How to create a new address book?/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Inserting text labels/en
- Tutorials/hotkeys/en
- KAddressBook/en
- Amarok/Manual/Various/en
- GCompris/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Where to go next/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Project Menu/Create Folder/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/Ampache/en
- Digikam/Tethered Shooting/en
- System Settings/Power Management/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Command Reference/The External Data Tab/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/UPnP/en
- Krusader/How To Add Folder Shortcuts on Krusader Toolbar/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Credits and License/en
- Kivio/en
- BasKet/en
- Dragon Player/en
- KCells/en
- Kexi/Tutorials/en
- KIconEdit/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Forms versus tables/en
- Kanagram/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline Menu/Insert Clip Zone/en
- Digikam/Check Database/en
- LatteDock/en
- Summary/en
- System Settings/Login Screen/en
- Plasma-browser-integration/en
- KMouseTool/en
- Krusader/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Command Reference/The Data Tab/en
- Digikam/Geotag Photos with Android/en
- Kalzium/Other Chemistry-Applications/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Kexi Basics/en
- Konversation/Distributions/en
- Digikam/Photoshop Preset Curves/en
- Simon/Shadow dictionary/en
- Kopete/Winpopup/en
- Digikam/Effects/en
- Digikam/Batch Process/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Command Reference/The Create Tab/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Introduction to Databases/Who Needs a Database?/en
- Amarok/Manual/Various/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/OSX/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Kexi Basics/Opening an existing Kexi database file/Opening an existing Kexi database file by clicking on .kexi file's icon/en
- KChart/en
- KJots/Import KNowIt Into KJots/en
- KGeography/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/en
- KSystemLog/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/Save Layout As/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/AmarokMenu/en
- Kraft/en
- RSIBreak/en
- Showcase/en
- System Settings/Workspace Appearance/en
- Spectacle/Tutorials/Invoking Spectacle with custom shortcuts/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/en
- Digikam/Optimise/en
- Plan/Manual/Introduction/en
- Applications/Accessibility/en
- K9Copy/en
- Gwenview/en
- Digikam/Face Detection/en
- Kig/FAQ/en
- KPilot/en
- KDbg/en
- Kontact Touch/MeeGo/en
- Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Entering Data Using Forms/en
- Browser Configuration/Mousegestures for all Browsers/en
- KAddressBook/Tutorials/How to add a new contact?/en
- KFloppy/en
- Amarok/QuickStartGuide/TheAmarokWindow/en
- Konversation/KDE3 Sources/en
- Juk/en
- Klipper/Pastebins/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/en
- System Settings/Autostart/en
- KWord/Manual/Introduction/en
- Smb4K/en
- Plasma/Installing Plasmoids/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Clip Menu/Edit Clip/en
- An introduction to KDE/en
- System Settings/Date & Time/en
- System Settings/Appearance/en
- KTechlab/en
- KAlgebra/en
- Plasma/Pager/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Installation/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Find/en
- Digikam/Exif/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Database Tables/en
- KDE Partition Manager/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/KeybindingReference/GlobalShortcuts/en
- Digikam/MetadataToRaw/en
- Kig/en
- KMail/Courses Information Openpgp/en
- KWin Rules Application Workarounds/en
- Applications/Science/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Using the Widgets tab/en
- Parley/en
- System Settings/Default Applications/en
- Kwave/en
- KPackage/en
- System Settings/Task Switcher/en
- KMix/en
- Kooka/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/Applets/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/Credits and License/en
- Kopete/Jabber/en
- Sheets/en
- Digikam/Using the Advanced Search Tool In digiKam/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/Help/en
- Cantor/en
- KTouch/HowTo/DifferentKeyboardLayout/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/en
- System Settings/Workspace Behaviour/en
- System Settings/Keyboard/en
- Dolphin/Customize Folder Icon/en
- System Settings/Search Desktop/en
- Digikam/Panorama/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Wipe/en
- Stage/en
- Kontact Touch/About/en
- LatteDock/HowToReportCrashes/en
- Kaffeine/en
- Digikam/ChangeFormat/en
- KMess/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Introduction to Databases/What Is a Database?/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Comparing Kexi to other database applications/Data types/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/Samba/en
- KBibTeX/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Command Reference/The Report Design Tab/en
- Amarok/Manual/Playlist/QueueManager/en
- Digikam/Vintage Effect/en
- KGet/en
- SymbolEditor/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Introduction/en
- Amarok/QuickStartGuide/TheContextView/en
- Digikam/Picasa/en
- KFind/en
- KOrganizer/ToDo/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Kexi Basics/Opening an existing Kexi database file/Opening a database file in the Open Existing Project dialog/en
- List of KDE themes with GTK ports/en
- Digikam/Performing Fuzzy Searches In digiKam/en
- Kontact Touch/Screenshots/en
- Amarok/Manual/Various/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/Windows/en
- Gwenview/Hidden Configuration Options/en
- Amarok/Manual/Various/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/NonKDE Desktops/en
- Off-line Translation/en
- Wacomtablet/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/ViewMenu/en
- Plan/en
- LabPlot/en
- System Settings/Window Behavior/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Affine/en
- Words/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/alpha operation transitions/en
- Welcome to KDE UserBase/en
- Konversation/Distributions/PCLinuxOS/en
- KDevelop4/Manual/Appendix A: Building KDevelop from Sources/en
- Konqueror/Web Shortcuts/en
- Konversation/Browsers/en
- Quassel/en
- Update an Image/en
- Websites/en
- Kaffeine-TV/en
- Tutorials/Modify KDE Software Defaults/en
- Kontact/SMS/en
- Zanshin/en
- Amarok/QuickStartGuide/HowToDealWithProblems/en
- PageLayout/en
- Working with MyKolab/en
- Amarok/Manual/Playlist/PlaylistFiltering/en
- KRename/en
- Kate/en
- Artwork/en
- Tutorials/Open a console/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/Settings/en
- Digikam/Bugs/en
- Digikam/Import Photos in Digikam/en
- Quanta/en
- Tellico/Templates/en
- Konversation/Scripts/Ghosttrick/en
- Nepomuk/kioslaves/tags/en
- Digikam/Wikimedia Commons/en
- Session Environment Variables/en
- KColorEdit/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/Undo History/en
- KDevelop5/Manual/Appendix A: Building KDevelop from Sources/en
- Digikam/Export via DNLA/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Working with form design/en
- Digikam/Calibrate and Profile Monitor/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Most important terms/en
- Umbrello/en
- Skrooge/en
- KDE Wallet Manager/en
- Tutorials/Flatpak/en
- KAlarm/en
- KDevelop/Install4.5/en
- Homerun/en
- Digikam/Soft Proofing/en
- Akonadi/Postgres update/en
- KMail/Devs/en
- Marble/en
- Modify a Page/en
- KSysGuard/en
- Plasma/SystemTray/en
- Kalzium/en
- Digikam/Maintenance/en
- SMPlayer/en
- Kontact/en
- KDevelop/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Command Reference/The Form Design Tab/en
- Tutorials/Kimpanel/en
- Karbon/en
- Digikam/Adding Borders To Your Photos/en
- KOrganizer/Screenshots/en
- KMail/Account Wizard/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Full Luma/en
- KonsoleKalendar/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Appendix D. Supported File Formats/en
- Klipper/en
- Neon/LTS/EOL/en
- Working with Google Contacts/en
- Calligra/en
- Digikam/Watermark/en
- Lokalize/en
- Kubuntu/Software/Games/Steam/en
- Accessibility/Plasma/en
- Kopete/en
- KLettres/en
- Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Glossary/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Actions/en
- Amarok/QuickStartGuide/GettingStarted/en
- Plasma/TweakingPlasma/en
- Ark/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Inserting widgets - text fields/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/Playlist/en
- Digikam/Negatives/en
- Amarok/Manual/Playlist/SavedPlaylists/en
- Kubuntu/Support/en
- Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/Toolbar/en
- Applications/Desktop/en
- KStars/en
- KMyMoney/en
- Workspace Configuration/Desktop Configuration/en
- Kopete/Supported Protocols Overview/en
- System Settings/Input Devices/en
- KWin Rules Window Matching/en
- KWord/en
- Akregator/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Introduction to Databases/Database Creation Software/en
- Create a Page/en
- General KDE Software FAQs/en
- Getting Help/en
- Plasma/Public Transport/en
- Working with Google Calendar/en
- Karbon/Tutorials/Artistic Text Shape/en
- Plasma/Clocks/en
- System Settings/Task Scheduler/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Database Queries/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Assigning data sources/en
- Toolbox/Tables/en
- Plasma/Application Dashboard/en
- KSnapshot/en
- Nepomuk/FileIndexer/en
- Kexi/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/KeybindingReference/AmarokShortcuts/en
- Okteta/en
- What is a distribution/en
- Kdevelop5/Manual/Meet KDevelop/en
- Konversation/KDE4 Sources/en
- Digikam/Calendars/en
- Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/Tools/en
- Neon/Installation/OEM/en
- Installing KDE neon/en
- Kamoso/en
- KUser/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/WorkingWithMediaDevices/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Entering Data Into Tables/en
- System Settings/Printers/en
- Showfoto/Levels Adjust/en
- Plasma/Public Transport/NewServiceProviders/en
- Phonon/Handbook/en
- Amarok/Manual/Organization/CoverManager/en
- Adding an entry to the Create New menu/en
- Telepathy/en
- System Settings/Locale/How To Install and Apply Interface Translation/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Designing Forms/Setting the tab order/en
- Amarok/Manual/Various/ReplayGain/en
- System Settings/File Associations/en
- Step/en
- KMail/gpg/en
- System Settings/Startup and Shutdown/en
- How to chat with other KDE users/en
- KXStitch/en
- System Settings/Window Behaviour/en
- KDevelop5/Manual/Running programs/en
- Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/en
- Digikam/Batch Queue Manager and Script/en
- Lancelot/Comparison/en
- KWin Rules/en
Kopete Subpages in 3 columns
<DPL> titlematch = Kopete/% notnamespace = Translations columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, </DPL>
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/en
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/he
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/da
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/de
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/fr
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/es
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/pt-br
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/it
- Kopete/Skype Plugin/uk
- Kopete/Skype Plugin
- Kopete/AIM/en
- Kopete/Auto Replace/en
- Kopete/Yahoo/en
- Kopete/Auto Replace/da
- Kopete/AIM/da
- Kopete/Auto Replace/it
- Kopete/AIM
- Kopete/Auto Replace/es
- Kopete/AIM/fr
- Kopete/AIM/it
- Kopete/Auto Replace
- Kopete/AIM/es
- Kopete/Yahoo
- Kopete/Yahoo/da
- Kopete/Jabber/More info on Kopete/es
- Kopete/Yahoo/es
- Kopete/Firewall/en
- Kopete/Jabber/More info on Kopete/it
- Kopete/Jabber/More info on Kopete/da
- Kopete/Yahoo/it
- Kopete/Firewall/ru
- Kopete/Jabber/More info on Kopete
- Kopete/Auto Replace/fr
- Kopete/Jabber/More info on Kopete/fr
- Kopete/Jabber/First steps/es
- Kopete/Firewall/da
- Kopete/Jabber/First steps/it
- Kopete/AIM/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/First steps/fr
- Kopete/Firewall/es
- Kopete/Jabber/First steps/da
- Kopete/Firewall/it
- Kopete/Firewall
- Kopete/Jabber/First steps
- Kopete/Auto Replace/uk
- Kopete/ICQ/en
- Kopete/ICQ/es
- Kopete/ICQ/da
- Kopete/ICQ/it
- Kopete/Jabber/More info on Kopete/uk
- Kopete/ICQ/pt-br
- Kopete/ICQ
- Kopete/Yahoo/uk
- Kopete/OTR/en
- Kopete/Jabber/First steps/uk
- Kopete/Firewall/uk
- Kopete/OTR/da
- Kopete/OTR
- Kopete/ICQ/About ICQ/ru
- Kopete/ICQ/About ICQ/da
- Kopete/Winpopup/en
- Kopete/Jabber/zh-cn
- Kopete/Jabber/zh-tw
- Kopete/ICQ/creating an account/da
- Kopete/ICQ/About ICQ
- Kopete/ICQ/About ICQ/it
- Kopete/OTR/es
- Kopete/OTR/it
- Kopete/Winpopup/da
- Kopete/ICQ/About ICQ/pt-br
- Kopete/ICQ/About ICQ/es
- Kopete/ICQ/creating an account/it
- Kopete/ICQ/creating an account/es
- Kopete/Winpopup
- Kopete/ICQ/creating an account/ru
- Kopete/ICQ/creating an account/pt-br
- Kopete/Winpopup/it
- Kopete/ICQ/uk
- Kopete/ICQ/creating an account
- Kopete/Jabber/en
- Kopete/Jabber/de
- Kopete/Jabber
- Kopete/Jabber/da
- Kopete/Jabber/it
- Kopete/Jabber/es
- Kopete/Jabber/pt-br
- Kopete/Jabber/Create your Jabber account/da
- Kopete/Jabber/fr
- Kopete/Jabber/ja
- Kopete/Jabber/Create your Jabber account/es
- Kopete/Jabber/Create your Jabber account
- Kopete/Jabber/Create your Jabber account/it
- Kopete/Winpopup/uk
- Kopete/ICQ/add friends/da
- Kopete/ICQ/add friends/es
- Kopete/ICQ/add friends/pt-br
- Kopete/Jabber/About Jabber XMPP/da
- Kopete/ICQ/add friends
- Kopete/OTR/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Messaging and sending files/da
- Kopete/Jabber/About Jabber XMPP
- Kopete/Jabber/Messaging and sending files
- Kopete/Jabber/About Jabber XMPP/es
- Kopete/ICQ/creating an account/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Create your Jabber account/fr
- Kopete/Jabber/Adding friends/da
- Kopete/Jabber/Messaging and sending files/es
- Kopete/en
- Kopete/Jabber/uk
- Kopete/ICQ/About ICQ/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Adding friends
- Kopete/Jabber/Adding friends/it
- Kopete/zh-cn
- Kopete/Jabber/Adding friends/es
- Kopete/nl
- Kopete/Supported Protocols Overview/en
- Kopete/ja
- Kopete/Supported Protocols Overview/it
- Kopete/Supported Protocols Overview/da
- Kopete/Supported Protocols Overview
- Kopete/Supported Protocols Overview/es
- Kopete/Jabber/Messaging and sending files/fr
- Kopete/pt-br
- Kopete/es
- Kopete/de
- Kopete/fr
- Kopete/it
- Kopete/Supported Protocols Overview/fr
- Kopete/Supported Protocols Overview/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Create your Jabber account/uk
- Kopete/Jabber Transport/da
- Kopete/Jabber Transport/it
- Kopete/Jabber Transport
- Kopete/da
- Kopete/Jabber Muc/en
- Kopete/MSN/en
- Kopete/Jabber Muc/da
- Kopete/ICQ/add friends/uk
- Kopete/Jabber Muc
- Kopete/MSN
- Kopete/Jabber/About Jabber XMPP/uk
- Kopete/MSN/da
- Kopete/Webcam Support/en
- Kopete/Jabber Muc/pt-br
- Kopete/Jabber Muc/it
- Kopete/uk
- Kopete/MSN/it
- Kopete/Jabber/Fill in your account data in Kopete/da
- Kopete/ICQ/connect through kopete
- Kopete/MSN/es
- Kopete/Jabber/Fill in your account data in Kopete
- Kopete/Webcam Support
- Kopete/ICQ/connect through kopete/da
- Kopete/Webcam Support/da
- Kopete/Jabber/Fill in your account data in Kopete/ja
- Kopete/Jabber/Messaging and sending files/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Adding friends/uk
- Kopete/Webcam Support/it
- Kopete/Jabber/Fill in your account data in Kopete/es
- Kopete/ICQ/connect through kopete/es
- Kopete/ICQ/connect through kopete/pt-br
- Kopete/Jabber Transport/uk
- Kopete/Jabber Muc/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Useful configuration hints/da
- Kopete/MSN/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Useful configuration hints
- Kopete/Jabber/Fill in your account data in Kopete/uk
- Kopete/Webcam Support/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Useful configuration hints/es
- Kopete/ICQ/connect through kopete/uk
- Kopete/Jabber/Useful configuration hints/uk
- Kopete/MSN
- Kopete/Jabber Transport
- Kopete/Bookmarks
- Kopete/Contact Notes
- Kopete/Highlight
- Kopete/History
- Kopete/KopeteTeX
- Kopete/Now Listening
- Kopete/Pipes
- Kopete/Preview of Pictures in Chats
- Kopete/Privacy
- Kopete/Statistics
- Kopete/Text Effect
- Kopete/Translator
- Kopete/Web Presence
- Kopete/IRC
- Kopete/it
- Kopete/fr
- Kopete/da
- Kopete/ja
- Kopete/uk
- Kopete/pt-br
Akonadi Subpages in Danish
<DPL> titlematch = Akonadi%/da notnamespace = Translations format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, </DPL>
Archived pages
<DPL> titlematch = % namespace = Archive columns = 2 format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages in the Archive namespace. These are:\n </DPL>
There are 755 pages in the Archive namespace. These are:
- Kugar/Tutorials
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Baltan
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/Grain
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Nervous
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/Distort
- KTouch
- Archive Test1/Archive Test2
- Archive Test1/Archive Test3
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/cairogradient
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/Mono Amplifier
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/Stereo Amplifier
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Colorhalftone
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/Balance
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/Copy Channels
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/Mono to Stereo splitter
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/Pan
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/Swap channels
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/Hard Limiter
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/Normalise
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/dance
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fade/Fade from Black
- Kdenlive/manual/effects/misc/Rgbsplit0r
- Kcontrol
- Kcontrol/zh-cn
- Archive Test4
- Kdessh/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Color Effect
- Kcontrol/da
- Kcontrol/zh-tw
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/lumakey
- Kdessh/zh-cn
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Enhancement/SpillSuppress
- Kdessh/it
- Kdessh/zh-tw
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/dither
- Kdessh/es
- Kdessh/da
- Kcontrol/de
- Stats (eo)
- Kcontrol/es
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Artistic/3LevelThreshold
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste Effects/en
- Kcontrol/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/Corners
- Kdessh/tr
- Kcontrol/it
- Kcontrol/ca
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Contrast
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Delay grab
- Kdessh/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/Mute
- Kdessh
- Kdessh/he
- Kdessh/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Invert
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Techicolor
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Quit/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Cartoon
- Kcontrol/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Vignette
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Tint
- Kcontrol/ro
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/NDVI filter
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Revert/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/LumaLiftGainGamma
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/Brightness (keyframable)
- Kdessh/de
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/Blur
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Primaries
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Sobel
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/Dust
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Management/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/AnalysisandData/Video Values
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Light Graffiti
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/Scratchlines
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/Levels
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Motion/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/Wave
- Kcontrol/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/Charcoal
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Importing/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Management/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Sepia
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste Effects
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/Pixelize
- Kdenlive/manual/effects/misc/Owdenoise
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/scanline0r
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Artistic/Binarize
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Greyscale
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/Mirror
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Open Recent/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Threshold
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Importing/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/rgbnoise
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/Brightness
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/Gamma
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/AnalysisandData/Audio Spectrum Filter
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/Vignette Effect
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Open/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/3 point balance
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Equaliz0r
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Quit
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Motion/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Chroma Hold
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Management
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Revert
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/Lens Correction
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/K-Means Clustering
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Motion/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste
- Kdessh/fa
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/LetterB0xed
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Luminance
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste Effects/ja
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Importing
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/nosync0r
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Save As/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/Volume (keyframable)
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Hue shift
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/Oldfilm
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Redo/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Importing/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Motion/ja
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Management/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/Crop
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Management/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/White Balance
- Kde-pim/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Motion/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/AnalysisandData/Oscilloscope
- Kde-pim/ja
- Kde-pim/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Open Recent
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Alpha manipulation/Mask0Mate
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Importing/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/Obscure
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Motion/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Open
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Save/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/Non-KDE Desktops/en
- Kugar
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/Glow
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Motion
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Alpha manipulation/Alpha gradient
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/Gain
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Save As
- Kde-pim
- Kde-pim/zh-cn
- Kde-pim/zh-tw
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Regionalize
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste/ja
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Color Distance
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Redo
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste Effects/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/Non-KDE Desktops/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/en
- Kde-pim/it
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/cairoimagegrid
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Edge glow
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/transform
- Kde-pim/ca
- Kde-pim/de
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/Bezier Curves
- Kde-pim/ro
- Kugar/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Save
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/Non-KDE Desktops/fr
- Kde-pim/es
- Kde-pim/pt-br
- Kde-pim/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/Non-KDE Desktops
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Paste/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Redo/ja
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/Square Blur
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/VersionHistory
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/Saturation
- Kde-pim/he
- Kugar/it
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Quit/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Open/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/White Balance(LMS)
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/Softglow
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun
- KOffice/en
- Kugar/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Save As/uk
- KOffice/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Revert/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Redo/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/New/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/sigmoidaltransfer
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Custom/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/OSX/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/ApplyLUT
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/Non-KDE Desktops/ru
- KOffice/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Copy/en
- Archive Test1
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/Curves
- KOffice
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tool Menu/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Custom/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/ja
- Kdessh/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Save/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/da
- KOffice/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/Scale and Tilt
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Enhancement/Denoiser
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Enhancement/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Open Recent/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/TehRoxx0r
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fade/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/New
- Kde-pim/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Copy
- KOffice/he
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/Non-KDE Desktops/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tool Menu/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fun/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fade/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/Rotate and Shear
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Enhancement/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/Rotate (keyframable)
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/OSX/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/OSX/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms
- Kde-pim/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/uk
- KColorChooser/it
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/OSX/uk
- Finding Your Application/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/timeout indicator
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Dynamic Text
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/ru
- Finding Your Application/zh-cn
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/OSX
- Finding Your Application/zh-tw
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Enhancement/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Menu/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/KdenliveOnOtherPlatforms/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fade/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tool Menu
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/Lift Gamma Gain
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Enhancement/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Useful Resources/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Custom/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/en
- Finding Your Application/gl
- Kugar/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Undo/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/New/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Motion/Freeze
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Enhancement
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour/RGB Parade
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Useful Resources/ru
- Finding Your Application/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fade
- KColorChooser/en
- Finding Your Application/nl
- Finding Your Application/ca
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fade/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Menu/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Project/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Copy/ja
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License
- Finding Your Application/am
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/Box Blur
- KOffice/uk
- Finding Your Application/fa
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/uk
- Finding Your Application/it
- Finding Your Application/ro
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Undo
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Useful Resources
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License/el
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Custom/ru
- Finding Your Application/es
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/fr
- Finding Your Application/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/da
- Artikulate/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Project/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/uk
- Kerry
- Kde-pim/hi
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Menu/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Archiving/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License/fr
- Artikulate/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Custom
- KColorChooser/da
- Artikulate/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Fade/Fade to Black
- Artikulate/ca
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio channels
- Kdenlive/Manual/Menu/uk
- Kerry/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Useful Resources/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Undo/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Copy/uk
- Kerry/ro
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Notes/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Archiving/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License/es
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Project/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License/uk
- KColorChooser/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Transcode Clips/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tool Menu/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Analysis and Data/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Distort
- KColorChooser/fr
- Kerry/it
- KColorChooser
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Analysis and Data/da
- Kerry/es
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Notes
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Backup/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Notes/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Notes/zh-tw
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Analysis and Data
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Backup/da
- Artikulate/fr
- Kdenlive/Manual/CapturingAudio/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Vectorscope
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Transcode Clips
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/uk
- Artikulate
- Kdenlive/Manual/Menu
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Backup
- Kdenlive/Manual/Credits and License/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Toolbars/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Misc/Audio Wave
- ChoqoK/zh-cn
- Finding Your Application/bg
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/FAQ/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Project
- Kdenlive/Manual/CapturingAudio
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/Pan and Zoom/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Audio Correction
- ChoqoK/zh-tw
- Finding Your Application/uk
- Obsolete/en
- Finding Your Application/de
- Obsolete/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Monitor Menu/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Analysis and Data/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform
- Kdenlive/Manual/Toolbars
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/FAQ
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Tips Tricks/en
- Finding Your Application/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Tips Tricks/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Project/uk
- ChoqoK/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Blur and hide
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline/Guides/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Edit Menu/Undo/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Project/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/FAQ/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Archiving
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Analysis and Data/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Transcode Clips/ru
- ChoqoK/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Tips Tricks
- Kdenlive/Manual/Toolbars/da
- ChoqoK
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/Pan and Zoom
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline/Guides/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Artistic/en
- Finding Your Application/hi
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Artistic/uk
- Kerry/bg
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Artistic
- ChoqoK/nl
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/FAQ/fr
- ChoqoK/de
- Finding Your Application
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Artistic/ja
- ChoqoK/pt-br
- ChoqoK/gl
- Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration/zh-cn
- ChoqoK/it
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Archiving/uk
- ChoqoK/fr
- ChoqoK/es
- Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/FAQ/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Monitor Menu
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Archiving/ru
- Kerry/uk
- Obsolete/uk
- KOrganizer/Download/da
- Artikulate/uk
- Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/DVD Wizard/en
- Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline/Guides/de
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline/Guides
- Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Artistic/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Enhancement/Sharpen
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/zh-cn
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Notes/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Tips Tricks/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Settings Menu/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/uk
- Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration/fr
- KOrganizer/Download/it
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Alpha manipulation/en
- Obsolete
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/pt-br
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Notes/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Tips Tricks/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Monitor Menu/da
- KOrganizer/Download/es
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Shortcuts/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/zh-tw
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/SOP/Sat
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/DVD Wizard
- KOrganizer/Download
- Kdenlive/Manual/Settings Menu/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Backup/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/fr
- Obsolete/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/Transcode Clips/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/tr
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Alpha manipulation/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Alpha manipulation/Blue Screen/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Monitor Menu/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline/Grouping/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/View Menu/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline Menu/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/Pan and Zoom/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/Shortcuts/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Toolbars/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Toolbars/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/el
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Colour Correction/RGB adjustment/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/ja
- Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials/es
- Kdenlive/Manual/Projects and Files/Backup/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline Menu/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/CapturingAudio/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Clip Menu/en
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline/Grouping/da
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Crop and transform/Pan and Zoom/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Alpha manipulation/Blue Screen
- Kdenlive/Manual/Settings Menu/ru
- Kdenlive/Manual/Useful Information/FAQ/uk
- Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline/Grouping
- Kdenlive/Manual/Effects/Alpha manipulation
- Kdenlive/Manual/Clip Menu/da
NoIndexed pages
<DPL> titlematch = % category = Noindexed_pages columns = 2 format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages in the Archive namespace. These are:\n </DPL>
There are 10 pages in the Category:Noindexed_pages. These are:
- Archive Test1/Archive Test3
- Archive Test1/Archive Test2
- Archive Test4
- KMail/Security
- GPU-Performance
- Finding Your Application
- Finding Your Application/hi
- Finding Your Application/ca
- Finding Your Application/de
- Finding Your Application/pt-br
Remaining old-style translations
<DPL> titlematch = %_(%) notcategory = Template notnamespace = Thread notnamespace = Summary columns = 2 format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages (partly) remaining in old-style translations. These are:\n </DPL>
There are 1069 pages (partly) remaining in old-style translations. These are:
- Plasma/FAQ/4.1 (fr)
- Stats (eo)
- Plasma/FAQ/4.2 (de)
- Plasma/FAQ/4.1 (cs)
- Karbon14 (es)
- What is KDE (pt BR)
- UserBase (es)
- Tutorials/File Management (pl)
- Plasma/4.0 (zh CN)
- Info (uk)
- Community-app (uk)
- Community-app-footnote (uk)
- Plasma/FAQ (da)
- Kbluetooth (de)
- KsCD (de)
- UserBase (cs)
- Warning (uk)
- Vejledninger (da)
- Community-app-footnote (de)
- Community-app (de)
- SMPlayer (de)
- Multimedia (de)
- Digikam/Tour (pl)
- Info (it)
- Community-app (it)
- Community-app-footnote (it)
- Note (uk)
- Tutorials/Mousegestures for all Browsers (pl)
- Plasma/HowTo/4.4 (de)
- Plasma/HowTo/4.4 (de)
- Krecipes (no)
- Tutorials/TweakingPlasma (it)
- Büro (de)
- Programme (de)
- User talk:Sordon/Damaged German translations/reply (2)
- User talk:Annew/Reverted German Discussions/reply (2)
- User talk:Annew/Reverted German Discussions/reply (3)
- User talk:Annew/Reverted German Discussions/reply (4)
- User talk:Annew/Reverted German Discussions/reply (5)
- User talk:Pipesmoker/Translation discussion on Talk:Translation Workflow/reply (2)
- Talk:What is KDE/Markup lost/reply (2)
- User talk:Siebrand/test/New thread/reply (2)
- User talk:Annew/Plasma/HowTo/4.4/reply (2)
- User talk:Nikerabbit/Is a new SpecialPage feasible?/reply (2)
- User talk:Bakthariq/Translation changed English page/reply (2)
- User talk:KAMiKAZOW/Your Audex entry/reply (2)
- User talk:KAMiKAZOW/Your Audex entry/reply (3)
- User talk:KAMiKAZOW/Your Audex entry/reply (4)
- User talk:Claus chr/Changing categories to match translated pages, using /da/reply (2)
- User talk:Claus chr/Changing categories to match translated pages, using /da/reply (3)
- Talk:Applications/Desktop/Panels/Add Panel/reply (2)
- User talk:TrueSatan/Digikam (uk)
- User talk:TrueSatan/Digikam (uk)/reply (2)
- User talk:TrueSatan/Digikam (uk)/reply (3)
- User talk:TrueSatan/Applications/System/reply (2)
- User talk:Christopher Fritz/Application Categories/reply (2)
- Talk:Quick Start/category link syntax/reply (2)
- User talk:Algotruneman/Language bars/reply (2)
- Talk:Amarok/QuickStartGuide/HowToDealWithProblems/Problem with links to subsections/reply (2)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Enabling subpage feature/reply (2)
- User talk:Dag/KPlato manual/reply (2)
- User talk:Dag/KPlato manual/reply (3)
- User talk:Dag/KPlato manual/reply (4)
- User talk:Dag/KPlato manual/reply (5)
- User talk:Dag/KPlato manual/reply (6)
- Community-app (es)
- Community-app-footnote (es)
- User talk:Neverendingo/test (2)
- Talk:Translator Account/Threads? (2)/reply (2)
- Translator Account/Italian/reply (2)
- User talk:Qiii2006/Section markers for translation/reply (2)
- KPlato/Manual/Task Dependency Editor (Graphical)
- User talk:Felix/Kontact Mobile/reply (2)
- User talk:Gallaecio/System Settings/Input Devices (2)
- Talk:System Settings/Input Devices/Is this information up to date?/reply (2)
- Talk:System Settings/Input Devices/Is this information up to date?/reply (3)
- Talk:Applications/Games/info template need to be translated/reply (2)
- Talk:Applications/Games/info template need to be translated/reply (3)
- Talk:Applications/Games/info template need to be translated/reply (4)
- Tip (uk)
- User talk:Plcl/Hello again/reply (2)
- User talk:Plcl/Hello again/reply (3)
- User talk:Algotruneman/color picker plasmoid/reply (2)
- Plasma/HowTo/4.4 (es)
- Welcome to KDE UserBase (es)
- What is KDE (es)
- Para Empezar (es)
- Multimedia (es)
- User talk:Hans/Note to self/reply (2)
- Note (it)
- Talk:Applications/"Send data to other computers"/reply (2)
- Tip (it)
- Yakuake (es)
- Talk:Modify a Page/Translation tags/reply (2)
- User talk:Yurchor/"Chatty" pages - hard to mark up/reply (2)
- Talk:Translate a Page/FAQ/reply (2)
- Talk:Modify a Page/Translation tags/reply (3)
- Talk:Translate a Page/FAQ/reply (3)
- Talk:Modify a Page/Translation tags/reply (4)
- Talk:Translate a Page/FAQ/reply (4)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Multilanguage/reply (2)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Multilanguage/reply (3)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Random page/reply (2)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Random page/reply (3)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Random page/reply (4)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Random page/reply (5)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Template help/reply (2)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Template help/reply (3)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Template help/reply (4)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Template help/reply (5)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Template help/reply (6)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Please help make documentation more visual/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (2)
- Talk:Modify a Page/Translation tags/reply (5)
- Talk:Translate a Page/FAQ/reply (5)
- Talk:Modify a Page/Translation tags/reply (6)
- Talk:Modify a Page/Translation tags/reply (7)
- Talk:Modify a Page/Translation tags/reply (8)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (3)
- Talk:Modify a Page/Translation tags/reply (9)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (4)
- User talk:Yurchor/"Chatty" pages - hard to mark up/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (5)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (6)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (7)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (8)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (9)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (10)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (11)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (12)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (13)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (14)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (15)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (16)
- User talk:Dag/Alignment and text flow issues/reply (2)
- User talk:Dag/Alignment and text flow issues/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (17)
- User talk:Dag/Alignment and text flow issues/reply (4)
- User talk:Dag/Alignment and text flow issues/reply (5)
- User talk:Dag/Alignment and text flow issues/reply (6)
- User talk:Dag/Alignment and text flow issues/reply (7)
- User talk:GregKoval/Starting translations/reply (2)
- EduBreadCrumbs (uk)
- User talk:Jeroen De Dauw/UserBase and semantic MediaWiki/reply (2)
- User talk:Yurchor/Plasma/FAQ/reply (2)
- User talk:Yurchor/Plasma/FAQ/reply (3)
- User talk:Yurchor/Plasma/FAQ/reply (4)
- User talk:Yurchor/Plasma/FAQ/reply (5)
- User talk:Yurchor/Plasma/FAQ/reply (6)
- User talk:Yurchor/Plasma/FAQ/reply (7)
- User talk:Yurchor/Plasma/FAQ/reply (8)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Use of menuchoice tag/reply (18)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Images (2)
- User talk:Yurchor/Plasma/FAQ/reply (9)
- Talk:UserBase/Guidelines/Remove page?/reply (2)
- Talk:UserBase/Guidelines/Remove page?/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Language-selector under Toolbox in sidebar/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Language-selector under Toolbox in sidebar/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Language-selector under Toolbox in sidebar/reply (4)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Summary of Bullet Lists discussion/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Language-selector under Toolbox in sidebar/reply (5)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Language-selector under Toolbox in sidebar/reply (6)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Summary of Bullet Lists discussion/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Selecting a tab/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Summary of Bullet Lists discussion/reply (4)
- Talk:Glossary/TOC/reply (2)
- Talk:Glossary/TOC/reply (3)
- Talk:Edit Markup/Special:MyLanguage/reply (2)
- Talk:Edit Markup/Special:MyLanguage/reply (3)
- New Imports/Danish translation of Cantor/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Summary of Bullet Lists discussion/reply (5)
- New Imports/Danish translation of Cantor/reply (3)
- User talk:Annew/Off-line translations/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Summary of Bullet Lists discussion/reply (6)
- User talk:Annew/Off-line translations/reply (4)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Summary of Bullet Lists discussion/reply (7)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Summary of Bullet Lists discussion/reply (8)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Table of Contents/reply (2)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Table of Contents/reply (3)
- Talk:Plasma/HowTo/4.5/Quicklaunch widget/reply (2)
- Talk:Plasma/HowTo/4.5/Quicklaunch widget/reply (3)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/da/UserBase/Guidelines/reply (2)
- Talk:Typographical Guidelines/Special Tags/reply (2)
- Talk:Konsole/Indentation/reply (2)
- Talk:Konsole/Indentation/reply (3)
- Talk:Konsole/Indentation/reply (4)
- Talk:UserBase/Guidelines/Remove page?/reply (4)
- Talk:KMail/FAQs Hints and Tips/Step by step implementation/reply (2)
- Talk:UserBase/Guidelines/Remove page?/reply (6)
- Talk:UserBase/Guidelines/Remove page?/reply (7)
- Talk:UserBase/Guidelines/Remove page?/reply (8)
- User talk:Zinchenko/KWord Manual/reply (2)
- Talk:Quick Start/cannot translate this page/reply (2)
- EduBreadCrumbs (it)
- User talk:Zinchenko/KWord Manual/reply (3)
- User talk:Zinchenko/KWord Manual/reply (4)
- User talk:Zinchenko/KWord Manual/reply (5)
- User talk:Zinchenko/KWord Manual/reply (6)
- User talk:Zinchenko/KWord Manual/reply (7)
- User talk:Zinchenko/KWord Manual/reply (8)
- User talk:Wind-rider/Adding Categories/reply (2)
- User talk:Wind-rider/Adding Categories/reply (3)
- User talk:Wind-rider/Adding Categories/reply (4)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Breadcrumbs/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Breadcrumbs/reply (3)
- Talk:Kopete/Jabber Transport/Is this information up to date?/reply (2)
- Talk:Kopete/Jabber Transport/Is this information up to date?/reply (3)
- User talk:Pipesmoker/Still under construction?/reply (2)
- Talk:Kopete/Jabber Transport/Is this information up to date?/reply (4)
- Talk:Kopete/Jabber Transport/Is this information up to date?/reply (5)
- User talk:Caig/Apologies/reply (2)
- User talk:Caig/Apologies/reply (3)
- Community-app (ja)
- Community-app2 (ja)
- Talk:KMail/FAQs Hints and Tips/Untranslatable section/reply (2)
- Talk:KMail/FAQs Hints and Tips/Untranslatable section/reply (3)
- Talk:Amarok/Manual/Our ToDo - Collections/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Links in Category pages should be translated/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Links in Category pages should be translated/reply (3)
- User talk:Syron/UserBase or TechBase?/reply (2)
- User talk:Loquehumaine/Translate tags/reply (2)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (2)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (3)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (4)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (5)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (6)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (7)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (8)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (9)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (10)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (11)
- Talk:Live CDs - a way to choose your distro/Sidux is followed-up by aptosid/reply (2)
- Talk:Kontact Touch/Is the second paragraph redundant?/reply (2)
- User talk:Goleon/Engineering to Order/reply (2)
- User talk:Goleon/Engineering to Order/reply (3)
- User talk:Goleon/Engineering to Order/reply (4)
- User talk:Goleon/Engineering to Order/reply (5)
- User talk:Goleon/Engineering to Order/reply (6)
- User talk:Diego luca candido/Can't prepare the KHangMan page for translation now/reply (2)
- User talk:Goffrie/Bold type for program names/reply (2)
- User talk:Goleon/Engineering to Order/reply (7)
- User talk:Goleon/Engineering to Order/reply (8)
- User talk:Goleon/Engineering to Order/reply (9)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (12)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (13)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (14)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (15)
- Talk:Dolphin/File Management/How do I eject a device that is not mounted?/reply (2)
- Talk:Dolphin/File Management/How do I eject a device that is not mounted?/reply (3)
- User talk:BeCase/Your Translator account/reply (2)
- User talk:Aspotashev/1st comment/reply (2)
- User talk:Aspotashev/1st comment/reply (3)
- User talk:Aspotashev/1st comment/reply (4)
- User talk:Rystychko/ (2)
- User talk:Rystychko/ (3)
- User talk:Rystychko/ (4)
- User talk:Rystychko/ (5)
- Talk:Amarok/Manual/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/OSX/Source of the screenshot./reply (2)
- Talk:Amarok/Manual/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/OSX/Source of the screenshot./reply (3)
- User talk:Rystychko/ (6)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (16)
- Talk:Kontact Mobile/Rename page to Kontact Touch./reply (17)
- User talk:Abella/What is KDE?/reply (2)
- User talk:Abella/What is KDE?/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Problems with redirected pages/reply (2)
- Community-app-footnote (ja)
- Community-app-footnote2 (ja)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Problems with redirected pages/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Problems with redirected pages/reply (4)
- User talk:Pipesmoker/LQT bug?/reply (2)
- User talk:Pipesmoker/LQT bug?/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Problems with redirected pages/reply (5)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Problems with redirected pages/reply (6)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Problems with redirected pages/reply (7)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Problems with redirected pages/reply (8)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Problems with redirected pages/reply (9)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting on K3b page/reply (2)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (2)
- User talk:Yurchor/Obsolete pages?/reply (2)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (2)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (3)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (4)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (5)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (6)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (7)
- User talk:Pipesmoker/The Archive namespace/reply (2)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (8)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (9)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Can I import Lightning calendar to Korganizer?/reply (2)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (10)
- Talk:Plasma/GroupingDesktop/Wallpaper?/reply (11)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (3)
- Talk:Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Playlists/Playlist pane markup/reply (2)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (4)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (5)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (6)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (7)
- Talk:Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Playlists/Playlist pane markup/reply (3)
- Talk:Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Playlists/Playlist pane markup/reply (4)
- Talk:Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Playlists/Playlist pane markup/reply (5)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (8)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (9)
- User talk:Raul.malea/Folosirea corectă a diacriticelor/reply (2)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/Formatting issues/reply (10)
- Talk:Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Playlists/Playlist pane markup/reply (6)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/How far back to translate?/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/How far back to translate?/reply (3)
- User talk:Raul.malea/Folosirea corectă a diacriticelor/reply (3)
- User talk:Raul.malea/Folosirea corectă a diacriticelor/reply (4)
- User talk:Raul.malea/Folosirea corectă a diacriticelor/reply (5)
- User talk:Raul.malea/Folosirea corectă a diacriticelor/reply (6)
- User talk:Yurchor/Recent edit of KonsoleDevelpment/reply (2)
- User talk:Yurchor/Recent edit of KonsoleDevelpment/reply (3)
- Talk:Applications/Education/I cant tranlated to icon Information/reply (2)
- Talk:Applications/Education/I cant tranlated to icon Information/reply (3)
- Talk:Applications/Education/I cant tranlated to icon Information/reply (4)
- Talk:Applications/Education/I cant tranlated to icon Information/reply (5)
- User talk:Abella/Localising templates etc./reply (2)
- Talk:Browser Configuration/Needs markup/reply (2)
- User talk:Damien.flament/KDevelop4/Manual/Plugins: Code Generation/reply (2)
- Talk:Glossary/ca/Translating problems, saving action/reply (2)
- Talk:Glossary/ca/Translating problems, saving action/reply (3)
- Talk:Glossary/ca/Translating problems, saving action/reply (4)
- User talk:Zhao Han/Chinese translations/reply (2)
- User talk:Zhao Han/Chinese translations/reply (3)
- User talk:Zhao Han/不要吐嘈我的翻译……/reply (2)
- User talk:Zhao Han/不要吐嘈我的翻译……/reply (3)
- User talk:Zhao Han/不要吐嘈我的翻译……/reply (4)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Extension:Translate and chinese/reply (2)
- KDE UserBase talk:About/translation/reply (2)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (2)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (3)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (4)
- KDE UserBase talk:About/translation/reply (3)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (5)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (6)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (7)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (8)
- User talk:Zhao Han/不要吐嘈我的翻译……/reply (5)
- User talk:Zhao Han/不要吐嘈我的翻译……/reply (6)
- User talk:Zhao Han/不要吐嘈我的翻译……/reply (7)
- User talk:Zhao Han/不要吐嘈我的翻译……/reply (8)
- KDE UserBase talk:About/translation/reply (4)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (9)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (10)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (11)
- KDE UserBase talk:About/translation/reply (5)
- User talk:Qiii2006/查看userbase中文页面访问统计,搜索zh/reply (2)
- Talk:Mailing Lists/Page display title missing/reply (2)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Chinese language name translation issues/reply (2)
- Talk:Userbase Technical Issues/internal error: detected a bug in extension/reply (2)
- User talk:Zhao Han/Welcome to KDE UserBase/zh 沒必要吧/reply (2)
- User talk:Zhao Han/Welcome to KDE UserBase/zh 沒必要吧/reply (3)
- User talk:John Culleton/Kmail replacement/reply (2)
- User talk:John Culleton/Kmail replacement/reply (3)
- User talk:John Culleton/Kmail replacement/reply (4)
- User talk:John Culleton/Kmail replacement/reply (5)
- User talk:John Culleton/Kmail replacement/reply (6)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/No minor edits/reply (2)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/No minor edits/reply (3)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/No minor edits/reply (4)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/No minor edits/reply (5)
- File talk:Kde-sc-46-w10.png/Non-standard screen shot/reply (2)
- File talk:Kde-sc-46-w10.png/Non-standard screen shot/reply (3)
- File talk:Kde-sc-46-w10.png/Non-standard screen shot/reply (4)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (3)
- File talk:Kde-sc-46-w10.png/Non-standard screen shot/reply (5)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (4)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/No minor edits/reply (6)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (5)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/No minor edits/reply (7)
- File talk:Kde-sc-46-w10.png/Non-standard screen shot/reply (6)
- File talk:Kde-sc-46-w10.png/Non-standard screen shot/reply (7)
- File talk:Kde-sc-46-w10.png/Non-standard screen shot/reply (8)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (6)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (7)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (8)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (9)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (10)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (11)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (12)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (13)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (14)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (15)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (16)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (17)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (18)
- User talk:Yecril71pl/No minor edits/reply (8)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Has fuzzybot gone mad?/reply (19)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (12)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (13)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (14)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (15)
- User talk:Annew/translation of Tasks and Tools/reply (2)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (16)
- User talk:Annew/translation of Tasks and Tools/reply (3)
- User talk:Annew/translation of Tasks and Tools/reply (4)
- User talk:Annew/translation of Tasks and Tools/reply (5)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (17)
- Talk:KDevelop4/FAQ/Makefiles/reply (2)
- Talk:Quick Start/sidebar link/reply (18)
- User talk:Annew/translation of Tasks and Tools/reply (6)
- User talk:Annew/translation of Tasks and Tools/reply (7)
- User talk:Annew/translation of Tasks and Tools/reply (8)
- User talk:Annew/translation of Tasks and Tools/reply (9)
- Talk:Update an Image/Markup problems/reply (2)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (2)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (3)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (4)
- User talk:Qiii2006/Hydra/reply (2)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (5)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (6)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (7)
- User talk:Zhao Han/Span tags/reply (2)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (8)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (9)
- User talk:Madgnu/Russian Translations/reply (3)
- Talk:Printer Config/"Printer Configuration" not translatable/reply (10)
- User talk:Zhao Han/Span tags/reply (3)
- Talk:KPDF/link of kde3 icon/reply (2)
- Talk:KPDF/link of kde3 icon/reply (3)
- Talk:Applications/Graphics/the page title is not translatable/reply (2)
- Talk:KWord/Tutorials/ThirdLayout/Text frames and columns/reply (2)
- Talk:KWord/Tutorials/ThirdLayout/Text frames and columns/reply (3)
- Talk:KWord/Tutorials/ThirdLayout/Text frames and columns/reply (4)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Category KDE3/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Category KDE3/reply (3)
- User talk:Annew/Template Boxes/reply (2)
- Talk:KDE preinstalled/Non-translatable page/reply (2)
- User talk:Zhao Han/啊,我有罪,分类的命名/reply (2)
- User talk:Zhao Han/啊,我有罪,分类的命名/reply (3)
- Template talk:Info/Template arguments/reply (2)
- Talk:Welcome to KDE UserBase/Chinese language name translation issues/reply (3)
- User talk:Claus chr/Build/Tidying up Special:PageTranslation/reply (2)
- User talk:Claus chr/Build/Tidying up Special:PageTranslation/reply (3)
- User talk:Claus chr/Build/Tidying up Special:PageTranslation/reply (4)
- User talk:Claus chr/Build/Tidying up Special:PageTranslation/reply (5)
- User talk:Claus chr/Build/Tidying up Special:PageTranslation/reply (6)
- User talk:Bangerth/Preparing for translation/reply (2)
- User talk:Bangerth/Preparing for translation/reply (3)
- User talk:Bangerth/Preparing for translation/reply (4)
- User talk:Samuelleal/Translating KDEnlive/reply (2)
- User talk:Samuelleal/Translating KDEnlive/reply (3)
- User talk:Samuelleal/Translating KDEnlive/reply (4)
- User talk:Bangerth/Preparing for translation/reply (5)
- Talk:KDevelop4/Manual/Sessions and projects/deal.II/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Question marks in page names/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Question marks in page names/reply (3)
- User talk:Joe/Welcome/reply (2)
- Improve (uk)
- User talk:Christopher Fritz/KIPI/reply (2)
- Remember (uk)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Red links/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Default language/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Red links/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Red links/reply (4)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Default language/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Digikam/Tutorials translated pages problem/reply (2)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Digikam/Tutorials translated pages problem/reply (3)
- Talk:Translation Workflow/Digikam/Tutorials translated pages problem/reply (4)
- User talk:Gallaecio/Task Manager/reply (2)
- User talk:Caig/The ToolBox page/reply (2)
- User talk:Caig/The ToolBox page/reply (3)
- User talk:Caig/The ToolBox page/reply (4)
- User talk:Caig/The ToolBox page/reply (5)
- User talk:Caig/The ToolBox page/reply (6)
- User talk:Yurchor/The ToolBox page/reply (2)
- User talk:Caig/The ToolBox page/reply (7)
- User talk:Yurchor/The ToolBox page/reply (3)
- User talk:Yurchor/The ToolBox page/reply (4)
- User talk:Caig/The ToolBox page/reply (8)
- User talk:Yurchor/The ToolBox page/reply (5)
- Talk:Dolphin/the use of dedicated/reply (2)
- Talk:Applications/Science/What's about Math?/reply (2)
- Talk:Applications/Science/What's about Math?/reply (3)
- Talk:Applications/Science/What's about Math?/reply (4)
- Talk:Plasma/Panels/"Lock Widgets" moved to "More Settings"/reply (2)
- Talk:KPackageKit/Renamed to Apper/reply (2)
- Talk:KPackageKit/Renamed to Apper/reply (3)
- Talk:KPackageKit/Renamed to Apper/reply (4)
- Talk:KPackageKit/Renamed to Apper/reply (5)
- Talk:KPackageKit/Renamed to Apper/reply (6)
- Talk:Tasks and Tools/fr/Working with Languages doesn't redirect correctly anymore/reply (2)
- User talk:Qiii2006/useless pages/reply (2)
- User talk:Qiii2006/页面重复的内容/reply (2)
- Talk:Translate a Page/Categories/reply (2)
- User talk:Qiii2006/页面重复的内容/reply (3)
- Talk:KIconEdit/where can I download it?/reply (2)
- User talk:AmirHP/Translation on UserBase/reply (2)
- User talk:AmirHP/Translation on UserBase/reply (3)
- User talk:AmirHP/Your translation of the Introduction page/reply (2)
- User talk:AmirHP/Your translation of the Introduction page/reply (3)
- User talk:AmirHP/Welcome to the Translator group/reply (2)
- User talk:AmirHP/Welcome to the Translator group/reply (3)
- User talk:AmirHP/Welcome to the Translator group/reply (4)
- User talk:AmirHP/Welcome to the Translator group/reply (5)
- User talk:AmirHP/Welcome to the Translator group/reply (6)
- User talk:AmirHP/Welcome to the Translator group/reply (7)
- User talk:AmirHP/Welcome to the Translator group/reply (8)
Pages with old i18n bar
<DPL> titlematch = % namespace = Main uses = Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages that still display the old i18n language bar\n </DPL>
Pages with old i18n bar but w/o old-way-translated ones
<DPL> nottitlematch = %_(%) namespace = Main uses = Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% relevant pages that still display the old i18n language bar\n </DPL>
Pages not updated since 1st July 2010
<DPL> namespace = Main lastrevisionbefore = 201007010000 columns = 2 ordermethod=lastedit format = ,\n* (%DATE%) [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages without recent updates\n </DPL>
Extension:DynamicPageList3 (DPL3), version 3.5.3: Error: No selection criteria found! You must use at least one of the following parameters: category, namespace, titlematch, linksto, uses, createdby, modifiedby, lastmodifiedby, or their 'not' variants
Listing Non-Translation Pages
<DPL> nottitlematch = %/__|%/zh-%|%(%) titlematch = Amarok% namespace = Main columns = 1 format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% Amarok pages, not counting translations\n </DPL>
There are 482 Amarok pages, not counting translations * Amarok icon.png * Amarok * Amarok2.png * Amarok ru.png * Amarok2.1svn965006.png * Amarok2.1left.png * Amarok2.1ipod.png * Amarok2.1contextviewconfig.png * Amarok2.1internetservices.png * Amarok2.1scriptmanager.png * Amarok2.1covermanager.png * Amarok2.1popup.png * Amarok2.1rating.png * Amarok2.1pleditor.png * Amarok2.1dynamicplaylist.png * Amarok2.1center.png * Amarok2.1right.png * Amarok2.1lastfm.png * Amarok * Amarok/QuickStartGuide * Amarokfull.png * Amarokrightmenu.png * Amaroksystray.png * Amarokcollection.png * Amarokpanes.png * Amarokripcd.png * Amarokbreadcrumb.png * Amarokmediasources-home.png * Amarokmediasources-files.png * Amarokhome-localmusic.png * Amarokhome-internet.png * Amarokhome-playlists.png * Amarokhome-files.png * Amarokhome-podcasts.png * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Glossary * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/HowToDealWithProblems * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/TheContextView * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Playlists * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/TheMusicCollection * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/TheAmarokWindow * Amarokmediasources-expandcollapse.png * Amarok-sortoptions.png * Amarok-merge.png * Amarok/Manual * Amarok/Manual/References/Credits and License * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/GettingStarted * Amarok/Manual/ConfiguringAmarok/ChangingLayout * Amarok-addingmusic2.png * Amarok-removefromplaylist.png * Amarok-renameplaylist.png * Amarok-context.png * Amarok-contextadd.png * Amarok/Manual/Various/FAQ * Amarok/Manual/Playlist/DynamicPlaylists * Amarok * Amarok - Context View Configuration.png * Amarok - Internet Services.png * Amarok logo.svg * Amarok - aTunes GUI approach.png * Amarok logo.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/ExternalDatabase * Amarok/Manual/Various/Moodbar * Amarok/Manual/ConfiguringAmarok * Amarok/Manual/Introduction * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Glossary/2/qqq * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/HowToDealWithProblems * Amarok-maintoolbar.png * Amarok-slimtoolbar.png * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/TheMusicCollection * Amarok/Manual/Playlist/AutomaticPlaylistGenerator * Amarok2.1left uk.png * Amarok2.1center uk.png * Amarok2.1right uk.png * Amarok2.1svn965006 uk.png * Amarok2.1ipod uk.png * Amarok - Context View Configuration uk.png * Amarok - Internet Services uk.png * Amarok2.1scriptmanager uk.png * Amarok2.1covermanager uk.png * Amarok2.1rating uk.png * Amarok2.1popup uk.png * Amarok2.1pleditor uk.png * Amarok2.1dynamicplaylist uk.png * Amarok/Manual * Amarokrightmenu (uk).png * Amarokfull (uk).png * Amarok-context (uk).png * Amarok/Manual/Draft/Scrobbling to * Amarok mysql.png * Amarok tag.png * Amarok2 moodbar.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization/CoverManager * Amarok cover manager.png * Amarok cover manager newcover.png * Amarok/Manual/Playlist/SavedPlaylists * Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/PlaylistPane * Amarok amarok.png * Amarok view.png * Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/AmarokMenu * Amarok/Manual/Organization/TagEditor * Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/ViewMenu * Amarok main toolbar.png * Amarok slim toolbar.png * Amarok tab media sources.png * Amarok layout1.png * Amarok layout2.png * Amarok layout4.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/SearchInCollection * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/OrganizeCollection * Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/Playlist * Amarok Settings.png * Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/Settings * Amarok help.png * Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/Help * Amarok playlist layout d.png * Amarok playlist layout d s.png * Amarok playlist search.png * Amarok playlist search ex.png * Amarok playlist search p.png * Amarok Show only matches.png * Amarok/Manual/Playlist/PlaylistFiltering * Amarok playlist layout d ss.png * Amarok playlist layout nog1.png * Amarok playlist layout nog1 s.png * Amarok playlist layout nog2.png * Amarok playlist layout nog2 s.png * Amarok playlist layout v.png * Amarok playlist layout v1 s.png * Amarok playlist layout editor.png * Amarok saved playlists.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization/ScriptManager * Amarok script manager.png * Amarok add-on installer.png * Amarok info button.png * Amarok script info.png * Amarok playlist layout editor1.png * Amarok Configure Shortcuts.png * Amarok/Manual/References/KeybindingReference/AmarokShortcuts * Amarok Configure Shortcuts1.png * Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference/Tools * Amarok/Manual/References/KeybindingReference/GlobalShortcuts * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Transcoding * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections * Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow * AmarokToolbar.png * Amarok/Manual/References/MenuAndCommandReference * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/Ampache * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/DAAP * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/Samba * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/RemoteCollections/UPnP * Amarok-playing-through-media-devices.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/WorkingWithMediaDevices * Amarok-connecting.png * Amarok-loading.png * Amarok-media-tracks.png * Amarok-managing-media.png * Amarok/Manual/Playlist/QueueManager * Amarok-connecting-media.png * Amarok-connecting-media-device.png * Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/Toolbar * Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/MediaSources * Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/ContextPane * Amarok/Manual/Various/TroubleshootingAndCommonProblems * Amarok/Manual/Various/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/Windows * Amarok gnome.jpg * Amarok/Manual/Various/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/NonKDE Desktops * Amarok gnome menu.jpg * Amarok e17.jpg * Amarok xfce.jpg * Amarok fluxbox.jpg * Amarok lxde.jpg * Amarok/Manual/Various/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/OSX * Amarok/Manual/References/KeybindingReference * Amarok/Manual/Various/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms * Amarok Playlist.png * Amarok Playlist manipulation.png * Amarok Playlist Contextmenu.png * Amarok Playlist search.png * Amarok Playlist search1.png * Amarok Playlist search2.png * Amarok Playlist search3.png * Amarok Playlist sortingleavel.png * Amarok Playlist bookmarking.png * Amarok Playlist functions.png * Amarok 2.3.90.png * Amarok 2.3.90 1.png * Amarok removeformplaylist.png * Amarok addtoplaylist.png * Amarok addtoplaylist1.png * Amarok windowlayout.png * Amarok dynamic playlist.png * Amarok media devices.png * Amarok connecting media devices.png * Amarok loading media devices.png * Amarok Tracks media devices1.png * Amarok layout11.png * Amarok layout22.png * Amarok layout23.png * Amarok layout24.png * Amarok QueueEditorButton.png * Amarok layout25.png * Amarok layout26.png * Amarok layout27.png * Amarok layout28.png * Amarok 2.4(beta).png * Amarokfull cs.png * Amarokripcd cs.png * Amarokbreadcrumb cs.png * Amarokmediasources-home cs.png * Amarokmediasources-files cs.png * Amarok-addingmusic2 cs.png * Amarok-removefromplaylist cs.png * Amarok-renameplaylist cs.png * Amarok-context cs.png * Amarok-contextadd cs.png * Amarokrightmenu cs.png * Amarok Mac port install.png * Amarok-Mac-port-install.png * Amarok playing mac.png * Amarok/Manual/AmarokOnOtherPlatforms/OSX * Amarok-gnome.png * Amarok-e17.png * Amarok-xfce.png * Amarok-fluxbox.png * Amarok-lxde.png * Amarokwindow context.png * Amarokwindow init.png * Amarokwindow mediasources.png * Amarokwindow playlist.png * Amarokwindow toolbar.png * Amarok on Mac.png * Amarok/Manual/Draft/References/MenuAndCommandReference/HiddenFeatures * Amarok/Manual/Organization/CollectionScanning * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Playlists * Amarok2.4.png * Amarok2.4MusicBrainzTagger.png * Amarok2.4OrganizeFilesAdvancedDialog.png * Amarok2.4OrganizeFilesBasicDialog.png * Amarok2.4searchPlaylist.png * Amarok2.4QueueEditor.png * Amarok2.4ConfigureCollection.png * Amarok2.4TranscodeTracksDialog.png * Amarok/Manual/MenuAndCommandReference/Settings * Amarok2.4ConfigureCollection uk.png * Amarok24 ConfigureShortcutDetail.png * Amarok24 ConfigureShortcutsDialog.png * Amarok24 settingsMenu.png * Amarok24 settingsMenu withReplayGain.png * Amarok24 toolsMenu withTwoScripts.png * AmarokGenreArtistAlbum sort.png * AmarokGenreArtistAlbum sort uk.png * Amarok2.4.1ConfigureDialog.png * Amarok2.4.1ConfigureDialogCollection.png * Amarok2.4.1ConfigureDialogPlugins.png * Amarok2.4.1EditFilterDialog.png * Amarok2.4.1PhononBackends.png * Amarok2.4.1PhononDevices.png * Amarok2.4.1Notifications.png * Amarok2.4.1DatabaseConfig.png * Amarok2.4.1ConfigPlayback.png * Amarok2.4.1ConfigScripts.png * AmarokTopLevelMenus2.4.png * Amarok AmarokMenu2.4.png * Amarok2.4HelpMenu.png * AmarokNew2.4.png * Amarok2.4CollectionSortingMenu.png * Amarok2.4.1SavePlaylistChoices.png * Amarok2.4.1ViewMenu.png * Amarok2.4.1TagEditDialog.png * Amarok2.4.1AlbumTagEditDialog.png * Amarok2.4.1AlbumTagEditPerTrackDialog.png * Amarok2.4.1FilenameLayoutChooserOptions.png * Amarok2.4.PlaylistSearchFilter.png * Amarok2.4.1Non-MergedViewCollection.png * Amarok2.4.1MergedViewCollection.png * Amarok2.4.1MergeIcon.png * Amarok2WrenchIcon.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization * Amarok/Manual/Playlist * Amarok/Manual/Various * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection * Amarok/Manual/References * Amarok2.4.1configSpeakerSetup.png * Amarok-newdynamic-detail.png * Amarok-newdynamic.png * Amarok-mysql-configuration.png * Amarok-mysql-configuration uk.png * Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/Toolbar * Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/PlaylistPane * Amarok/Manual/ConfiguringAmarok * Amarok-merge-icon.png * Amarok2.4.1MenuWidok.png * Amarok ListaOdtwarzania Menukontekstowe.png * Amarok ListaOdtwarzania MenuZakładek.png * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/GettingStarted/1/qqq * Amarok2.5screen.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization/TagEditor * Amarok/Manual/Playlist/DynamicPlaylists * Amarok/Manual/Playlist/AutomaticPlaylistGenerator * Amarok-apg-presets-toolbar.png * Amarok/Manual/Various/TroubleshootingAndCommonProblems * Amarok ampache Client2.png * Amarok Locale Selection.png * Amarok/Manual/Playlist/QueueManager * AmarokNew-gl.png * AmarokMainToolbar-gl.png * AmarokMediaSources-gl.png * AmarokPlaylist-gl.png * AmarokContext-gl.png * Amarok 2.6 * Amarok2.6.png * Amarok2.6AppletBrowser.png * Amarok2.6TrackContextMenu.png * Amarok2.6PlaylistAlbumContextMenu.png * Amarok2.6CollectionConfigMenu.png * Amarok2.6PhononBackendConfigMenu.png * Amarok2.6ScriptsConfigMenu.png * Amarok2.6PluginsConfigMenu.png * Amarok2.6AppletBrowser-gl.png * Amarok2.6ViewConfigMenu.png * Amarok2.6ViewUndockSymbols.png * Amarok2.6TranscodeMenu.png * Amarok2.6FlacTranscodeMenu.png * Amarok 2.6 layout.png * Amarok2.6ConfigGeneralMenu.png * Amarok2.6HelpMenu.png * Amarok/Manual/AdvancedFeatures/WorkingWithMediaDevices * Amarok/Manual/Draft * Amarok/Manual/Trash/ConfiguringAmarok * Amarok-2.6-duplicates-during-collection-scan.png * Amarok2.6dynamicplaylist.png * AmarokFull2.6.png * AmarokFull2.6 uk.png * Amarok2.7ConfigureDialogCollection.png * Amarok2.7AddToPlaylist.png * Amarok2.7RemoveFromPlaylist.png * Amarok2.7SavePlaylistChoices.png * Amarok2.7RenameSavedPlaylist.png * Amarok2.7AfterSplash.png * Amarok2.7TheMediaSources.png * Amarok2.7ThePlaylistPane.png * Amarok2.7TheToolBar.png * Amarok2.7ThePlaylist.png * Amarok2.7SettingsGeneral.png * Amarok2.8SettingsPlayback.png * Amarok2.7SettingsPlayback.png * Amarok2.7SettingsNotifications.png * Amarok2.7SettingsDatabase.png * Amarok2.7SettingsPlugins.png * AmarokNepomukPluginConfig2.7.png * AmarokNepomukCollectionBrowser2.7.png * Amarok2.7 * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/StatisticsSynchronization * AmarokConfigurationDialog2.7ScriptConsole.png * AmarokConfigurationDialogGeneral2.7.png * AmarokConfigurationDialogLocalCollection2.7.png * AmarokConfigurationDialog2.7Playback.png * AmarokConfigurationDialog2.7PhononDevice.png * AmarokConfigurationDialog2.7PhononHardware.png * AmarokConfigurationDialog2.7PhononBackend.png * AmarokConfigurationDialog2.7Notifications.png * AmarokConfigurationDialog2.7Database.png * Amarok2.7MenuTools.png * Amarok2.7NetworkRequestsViewer.png * Amarok/Manual/AdvancedFeatures/AFT * Amarok/Manual/AdvancedFeatures * Amarok-statsyncing.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/SynchronizeCollectionLast.FM * Amarok2.7AfterSplash uk.png * Amarok2.7ScriptsConfigMenu.png * AmarokFull-gl.png * Amarok2.8 * Amarokdefaultwidgets.png * Amarokeditwidgets.png * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Applets * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Collection/SearchInCollection * Amarok/Manual/Organization/Applets * Amarok 2.8 default.png * Amarok systray 2.8 4.11.png * Amarok 2.8 Systray window.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogLocalCollection.png * Amarok 2.8 CollectionSortingMenu.png * Amarok 2.8 ContextView default.png * Amarok 2.8 AppletExplorer default.png * Amarok 2.8 CollectionBrowser nonmerged.png * Amarok 2.8 CollectionBrowser merged.png * Amarok 2.8 PlaylistPane.png * Amarok 2.8 PlaylistFilterOptions.png * Amarok 2.8 PlaylistSortingLevels.png * Amarok 2.8 PlaylistBottomBar.png * Amarok2dot8PUD.png * Amarok 2.8 SaveCurrentPlaylistOptions.png * Amarok 2.8 PopUpDropperAdd.png * Amarok 2.8 PopUpDropperRemove.png * Amarok 2.8 StartWindowDefault.png * Amarok 2.8 MediaSourcesPaneDefault.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogGeneral.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogPlayback.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogNotifications.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogDatabase.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogPlugins.png * Amarok 2.8 PlaylistLayoutEditor.png * Amarok 2.8 CollectionBrowserSearchField.png * Amarok 2.8 OrganizeFilesTranscode.png * Amarok 2.8 OrganizeTracks.png * Amarok 2.8 NepomukIndexFolders Dialog KDE 4.11.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogDatabaseEnabled.png * Amarok 2.8 Remotecollections samba server.png * Amarok 2.8 Remotecollections samba server1.png * Amarok 2.8 UPnP collection plugin.png * Amarok 2.8 UPnP collection.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogScripts.png * Amarok 2.8 DefaultBlocks.png * Amarok 2.8 Beta.png * Amarok 2.8 uk.png * Amarok 2.8 MenuTools.png * Amarok logo FR.png * Amarok - Internet Services FR.png * Amarok2.1ipod FR.png * Amarokmediasources-home FR.png * Amarok-context FR.png * Amarok2.1scriptmanager FR.png * Amarok2.1ratingFR.png * Amarok2.6ViewConfigMenu FR.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogLocalCollection FR.png * Amarok 2.8 ConfigurationDialogLocalCollection FR1.png * Amarokripcd FR.png * Amarokmediasources-files FR.png * Amarokbreadcrumb FR.png * Amarok 2.8 CollectionSortingMenu FR.png * Amarok addtoplaylist1 FR.png * Amarok 2.8 SaveCurrentPlaylistOptions FR.png * Amarok2.7RenameSavedPlaylist FR.png * Amarok 2.8 AppletExplorer default FR.png * Amarok 2.8 Systray window FR.png * Amarok/Manual/AmarokWindow/ContextPane/Draft * Amarok левая панель.png * Amarok центральная панель.png * Amarok2.6ViewConfigMenu-pl.png * Amarok2.8-toolbar slim-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Toolbar big-pl.png * Amarok2.8-ViewConfigMenu-pl.png * Amarok2.8-TopMenu-pl.png * Amarok2.8-TopMenu Amarok-pl.png * Amarok2.9-TopMenu View-pl.png * Amarok2.8-TopMenu Playlist-pl.png * Amarok2.8-TopMenu Playlist ld-pl.png * Amarok2.8-TopMenu Playlist lng-pl.png * Amarok2.8-TopMenu Playlist lngsl-pl.png * Amarok2.8-TopMenu Playlist lv-pl.png * Amarok2.8-TopMenu Playlist lconf-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Search on playlist-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Search preferences-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Search result-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Search result1-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Queue select song-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Queue track-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Queue-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Queue editor-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Dynamic playlist-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Context-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Playlist-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Window-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Context1-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources nm-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources m-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources sorting-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources internet-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources playlists-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources files-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources files s-pl.png * Amarok2.8-MediaSources podcasts-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Applets-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Playlist popup-pl.png * Amarok2.8-Playlist album popup-pl.png * Amarok/Manual/Various/ReplayGain * Amarok2.6dynamicplaylist uk.png * Amarok MediaSourcesPaneDefault.png * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/ChangingTheAmarokLayout * Amarok/QuickStartGuide/StartingAndClosing * Amarok/Manual/AdvancedFeatures/WorkingWithMediaDevices