User:Claus chr/DPL/Test
Testing of LinksTo template
<DPL> namespace=Main |User nottitleregexp = .*(/..(-..)?|_[(].*[)])$ include = * includematch = #\[\[[Ss]pecial\:[mM]y[lL]anguage/Getting[_ ]Help|\[\[Getting[_ ]Help# includemaxlength = 0 resultsheader = The pages in the translation system linking to Getting Help are:\n format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, </DPL>
Extension:DynamicPageList3 (DPL3), version 3.5.3: Error: No selection criteria found! You must use at least one of the following parameters: category, namespace, titlematch, linksto, uses, createdby, modifiedby, lastmodifiedby, or their 'not' variants
Somehow this is broken. Without the namespace clause we get
Extension:DynamicPageList3 (DPL3), version 3.5.3: Error: No selection criteria found! You must use at least one of the following parameters: category, namespace, titlematch, linksto, uses, createdby, modifiedby, lastmodifiedby, or their 'not' variants
which excludes some pages in the main namespace(!) and includes on in the User namespace!? Explicitely specifying namespace main gives this.
Extension:DynamicPageList3 (DPL3), version 3.5.3: Error: No selection criteria found! You must use at least one of the following parameters: category, namespace, titlematch, linksto, uses, createdby, modifiedby, lastmodifiedby, or their 'not' variants
That seems reasonable, but weren't main supposed to be used by default? Finally, specifying namespace User gives us all three user pages:
The pages in the translation system linking to Getting Help are:
- Bogzab/kaff-draft
- Fpuelz/Service Providers
- Oocevin
- Bakthariq/Stats
- GraphicDown
- Mikah832
- Amores24
- Bertus01
- NadiaBryceoj
- Foxxweb
- Jbatalle
- Annew/Scratch
- Andrew/LayoutPatterns/ViewandEdit
- Gregormi/Plasma4to5transition
- Einar
- Łukasz Sawicki (lucas)
- Dream needle
- Confifu
- Mollickvau
- Nathan hoyle
- Gallaecio
- Delong
- Julezzz
- Michele
- Zachus2
- Jegan1
- Alec
- Dfschuijt
- Wabisuke
- Hwonp
- Neverendingo/Test1/subpage1
- Tusooa
- Sebastian
- Neverendingo/comparison
- Annew/Floats
- Tekkuh
- Arthurtiteica
- Notafish
- Idirizbey
- Thiagopintodias
- Technopat
- BelaLugosi
- Syron
- Myrddin669
- Beckysiboyu
- Scarlett
- Lirhá
- Joysriramsarkar
- Rokejulianlockhart
- Dpalacio
- Bushuev
- Kbianca
- Sebastia
- TheMickyRosen-Left
- Visan.cristina5
- Eilyin
- Tokiedian
- Luke
- Gregormi/InternetSecurity
- Wjn
- Tpecar
- Michaeldsuarez
- Pipesmoker/Embed
- EzequielMercado
- Gilbert
- Cantel
- SPQRobin
- Riddell
- RogueScholar
- Ivan
- IvanC
- Nemo bis
- Tjdwedn
- Zamanpour.saber
- Yaroslav
- Zachus
- Sgnls
- Rhabacker
- Guaka
- XJuliaHarisono
- Dduca
- Pablo s
- Ubuntuguenni
- AaronPeterson/pagelinkhere
- Px79/Playground
- Northivanastan
- Pipesmoker/Mathmatics
- OhReally
- Jolaco
- TonyR
- Nicolas17/Sandbox
- Wizzard
- DcNdrew
- Yurchor
- Aleks
- Sayakb/Test
- Slayer
- Broot
- Raghukamath
- Cornelius
- Paul R Worrall
- Cbrown1023
- Mansil
- Oldgun
- Wolthera
- JohnLawsoft
- Harriseldon
- Diogoleal
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/Style/Alignment
- Bakthariq
- Annew/Build
- Dginovker
- Imgradeone
- Zren.css
- Jcrben
- Vboz
- Neverendingo/Test1
- Notafish/Taming KDE4
- JarrettBrosnahan0jm
- Nnino
- Andrew/LayoutPatterns
- Gregor/Plasma5Plasmoids
- Siebrand
- Kaythxbye
- Nikerabbit
- Granjow
- Karthikp
- Kazu
- Derryktutt
- Glennie
- Sheedy
- Camberwell
- Thompsony
- Maninalift
- Investor
- André Marcelo Alvarenga
- GerardM
- Loquehumaine
- Emonkey
- Neverendingo/test/da
- Lui74
- Ttguy
- Neverendingo/test/de
- Neverendingo/test/lb
- Membrive
- Nib952051
- Praveen Illa
- DJm00n
- Sallewell
- Neverendingo/test/ru
- Eren
- Hans/BoF
- Jeroen De Dauw
- Gregor/BasicsNotes
- DavidCBryant
- Damien.flament
- Andrybak
- Juanman
- Annew/AkademyNotes2011
- Gdebure
- Berryboy2012
- Carsten Trunk
- Jburns1
- Skierpage3
- Tony79
- Eiglow
- Ivanthekdefan
- Earl fx
- ChristianW/bookmarks/trad
- Annew/Translators
- Tsdgeos
- Strash
- Simontwolf
- Alextalker
- Terrycloth
- Piggz
- ChristianW/bookmarks/trad/fr
- Alexxloys
- SamatJain
- Gregor/Bash
- Jaham
- Egér
- Freno1
- Plam2000
- Dlw88
- Besteci-Pardussian
- Mark Ziegler
- Ashark/Sandbox
- Cyrille
- Qba
- Mr jay 01
- Kghbln
- Bina/Kdenlive-Glossary-EN-DE
- Pradeeptobhattacharya
- Gregor/PhilosophicalNotes
- Toad
- ShawnLai
- Bina
- Unhammer
- Firef
- Choxos
- GabrielYYZ
- Peter17
- Apachelogger
- Sameu
- AmirHP
- Dadu042
- Steveire
- Perspectoff
- Dotancohen
- Sebastien Renard
- Jstaniek
- Grossard
- Tlauer
- Loker
- RalphMW)
- Yecril71pl
- Annew/WebWorld2011
- Deonsebastiandk
- Galileopy
- KubbaLight17
- Claus chr/MissingPages
- Danimo
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Manage your files and achieves with Dolphin and Ark/Find a file with Kfind
- Sordon
- Alan Dacey
- RalphMW
- Irinarempt
- Serveracim
- ShayonM
- Shirayuki
- Scandic
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/Style/Color
- Andrew
- Mariusz dykierek
- Popov
- Tinman321
- SamiZhan/the beginners' guide new edition/The most basic usage
- Lundin
- Saigkill
- Raul.malea
- The madman
- Pipesmoker/Input and Output
- Tictric
- Simonschmeisser
- SamiZhan/the beginners' guide new edition/Shutdown and restart the computer
- Claus chr/Help Files
- Waverley
- Amire80
- Paulms
- Hans
- Smihael
- Gabbro
- Annew/Stats
- Ajashton
- Neverendingo/New Messages
- ChristianW
- Dariocambie
- WikiSysop
- Omerta13
- Yurchor/DPL
- MekkaGodzilla
- Dmitri Popov
- Claus chr/Dubious Translations
- Qiii2006/中文字体排印
- Hannie
- AgelessAngel20
- Pipesmoker
- Caig
- Claus chr/Technical Problems
- Annew/Tests
- MinSik CHO
- Siebrand/test
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/Style/SpacingAndPadding
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/Style
- TysonTan
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/DesignPatterns
- Michael4910
- Fengchao
- KKatanov
- Gregor/Plasma4Plasmoids
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Manage your files and achieves with Dolphin and Ark
- Tenzen
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/Style/Backgrounds
- Qhflacus
- Gregor/DolphinUsabilityNotes
- Robby
- Gregor/OpenSuse
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/BuildingBlocks
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/Style/Icons
- Aspotashev
- Claus chr/Blogs
- Alisha
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Surf the Internet
- Neverendingo
- Mario
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/Style/Typography
- Claus chr/KWin
- Plcl
- Boudewijn
- AmirHP/Introduction
- Gregor/FindThings
- Mikeljohnson
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Manage your files and achieves with Dolphin and Ark/Using Ark
- Gregor
- Bogzab
- Zhao Han
- Il pinguino volante
- Annew/Scratchpad
- Siebrand/demo/nl
- Purodha
- Kuvaly
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/MockupToolkit
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide
- Pipesmoker/Tables
- Piggz/CalligraWorkflowInANutshell
- Axiom
- Atomopawn
- Hans/AkademyNotes
- Lightfive
- Andrew/HIG/Text
- Pipesmoker/SyntaxHighlighting
- Aebexo schulungen-de
- Andrew/HIG/Style
- Valoriez
- SabineEller
- SamiZhan
- Pipesmoker/My Templates
- Claus chr/Test1
- Thompsony/draft/sys req
- Annew/Translate Issues
- ChernousovAnton
- Xxtjaxx
- Sebastian/KTouch
- Fpuelz/Settings
- Gregor/IPython
- Redstrate/ArtWayland
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Surf the Internet/Read feed with Akregator
- Px79
- Andrew/HIG/UserAssistance
- Pdamsten/Installing Plasmoids
- SamiZhan/the beginners' guide new edition/Use Kickoff to open programs
- Chao Feng
- Pipesmoker/Boxes
- Jeffmeliodas
- Algotruneman/ToolsToUse
- Hans/Discussion Page
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Customize Your Own Desktop
- Annew/LangStats
- SamiZhan/the beginners' guide new edition/Use Activity
- Andrew/HIG/ControlsList
- Andrew/HIG/Patterns
- Abella
- Andrew/VisualDesignGuide/Overview
- Fredtantini
- Andrew/ViewAndNavigation
- SamiZhan/the beginners' guide new edition/Krunner
- Latif
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Customize Your Own Desktop/Set the wallpaper
- Skierpage/Improved Modify a page
- Claus chr/Images
- ChristianW/bookmarks
- Sayakb
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- Category:Pages in Swedish
Priority pages with /sv added
The priority level is noted behind each item.
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- KAddressBook 4.4/sv (1)
- Help:Contents/sv (3)
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Getting_Help/sv- Asking Questions/sv (none)
- IRC Channels/sv (none)
- Mailing Lists/sv (none)
- Websites/sv (none)
- Troubleshooting/sv (none)
UserBase/svWhat is KDE/svAkonadi/svAkonadi and AddressBook/sv- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software
- Hans/Forum Cleaning
- Annew/AkademyWriting
- Kolia
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Customize Your Own Desktop/Using Desktop Wigets
- Claus chr/Guidelines
- SamiZhan/the beginners' guide new edition/Use Plasmiod
- RalphMW/tabbing
- JulienM
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Why use KDE Software
- Sdx
- Annew
- Andrew/Presentation-VisualDesignGuide
- Martinvi
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Manage your notes with KJots
- Gregor/Plasma4to5transition
- Jucato
- Periliocastrol
- Andrew/HIG
- Andrew/HIG2
- Skierpage/Multiple audio devices
- Jessej/sandbox
- Andrew/HIG/EditingAndManipulation
- SamiZhan/a Beginners' Guide for KDE Software/Where and How to get KDE Software
- Nilli
- Pipesmoker/Dynamic Page Lists
- AaronPeterson{{Category:Office}}
Special:Bl/User:AaronPeterson/1 Special:Bl Template:Bl Special:Backlinks
- Parley/Manual (← links)
- Plasma/HowTo/4.4 (de) (← links)
- Parley/Manual/de (← links)
- Parley/Manual/fi (← links)
- Parley/Manual/uk (← links)
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- Parley/Manual/zh-cn (← links)
- Parley/Manual unstable (← links)
- Parley/Manual/da (← links)
- Parley/Manual/es (← links)
- Parley/Manual/rue (← links)
- UserBase/Guidelines/pt (← links)
- UserBase/Guidelines/ja (← links)
- Websites/bg (← links)
- Parley/Manual/en (← links)
- Template:Search (transclusion) (← links)
- Template:Test (← links)
- Template:SearchTest (transclusion) (← links)
- Archive:Plasma/FAQ/4.1 (← links)
- Archive:Plasma/FAQ/4.2 (← links)
- Translations:What is KDE/15/de (← links)
- Translations:What is KDE/15/es (← links)
- Translations:Welcome to KDE UserBase/3/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Utilities/2/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Utilities/2/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:What is KDE/30/id (← links)
- Translations:Archive:Plasma/HowTo/4.4/1/id (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Games/2/de (← links)
- Translations:UserBase/Guidelines/4/pt (← links)
- Translations:UserBase/Guidelines/4/ja (← links)
- Translations:Websites/12/bg (← links)
- KGpg/zh-tw (← links)
- Baloo (← links)
- User:Claus chr/UserBase Problems (← links)
- User:Claus chr/FuzzyBot Problems (← links)
- Template:Search (transclusion) (← links)
- Template:Test (← links)
- Template:SearchTest (transclusion) (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/4/es (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/10/es (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/17/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/18/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/17/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/18/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/61/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/62/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/61/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/62/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:KGpg/3/zh-tw (← links)
- KGpg/zh-tw (← links)
- Baloo (← links)
- User:Claus chr/UserBase Problems (← links)
- User:Claus chr/FuzzyBot Problems (← links)
- Template:Search (transclusion) (← links)
- Template:Test (← links)
- Template:SearchTest (transclusion) (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/4/es (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/10/es (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/17/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/18/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/17/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:Applications/Desktop/18/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/61/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/62/zh-cn (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/61/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:Applications/System/62/zh-tw (← links)
- Translations:KGpg/3/zh-tw (← links)
To use this, include {{myLang|Page Name|AlternateText}} ==ToDo== I need to make this work with images, move it to myLang AND, be compatible with: <nowiki><translation><!--T:26-->content</translation>
Do we even need this? will it actually help? </nowiki>
To use this, include {{myLang|Page Name|AlternateText}} ==ToDo== I need to make this work with images, move it to myLang AND, be compatible with: <nowiki><translation><!--T:26-->content</translation>
Do we even need this? will it actually help? </nowiki>
To use this, include {{myLang|Page Name|AlternateText}} ==ToDo== I need to make this work with images, move it to myLang AND, be compatible with: <nowiki><translation><!--T:26-->content</translation>
Do we even need this? will it actually help? </nowiki>
To use this, include {{myLang|Page Name|AlternateText}} ==ToDo== I need to make this work with images, move it to myLang AND, be compatible with: <nowiki><translation><!--T:26-->content</translation>
Do we even need this? will it actually help? </nowiki>
To use this, include {{myLang|Page Name|AlternateText}} ==ToDo== I need to make this work with images, move it to myLang AND, be compatible with: <nowiki><translation><!--T:26-->content</translation>
Do we even need this? will it actually help? </nowiki>
To use this, include {{myLang|Page Name|AlternateText}} ==ToDo== I need to make this work with images, move it to myLang AND, be compatible with: <nowiki><translation><!--T:26-->content</translation>
Do we even need this? will it actually help? </nowiki>
Example markup for catalogue-style pages - please do not translate
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Welcome to the KDE communityOur visionA world in which everyone has control over their digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy. Read more: our vision and our manifesto. Who are weKDE is a community of people from all over the world who are enthusiastic about free software. We are dedicated to creating an open and user-friendly computing experience, offering an advanced graphical desktop, a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment and a platform to easily build new applications upon. We have a strong focus on finding innovative solutions to old and new problems, creating a vibrant atmosphere open for experimentation. What we doThe Plasma WorkspacesPlasma is KDE's flagship. Plasma lets you control your computer and other digital devices in absolute privacy. The KDE community has the driving goal of making it simple by default, and powerful when needed. ApplicationsThe KDE community produce a wide range of applications. NeonNeon lets you run the latest Plasma Workspace and KDE applications on your computer. AppsSee the complete list of our apps, and KDE for You for collections of apps for particular use cases. Plasma MobileYou want a mobile device the doesn't spy on you? Plasma Mobile can help. You can get free and trustworthy apps for your phone, and even get a phone completely run by free software. KDE EcoProducing devices has a big environmental impact. Eco addresses this: we want you to be able to use your devices for a long time, and not be forces to by new devices regularly. About this wikiWe provide information about the Plasma Workspaces, Applications, Tutorials, Tips & Tricks and FAQ's, and links to various places to get help. UserBase is a community wiki. Get an account and contribute - you are very welcome! We try to provide information that is clear, accurate and up to date, but we can not do this alone. Your help will be much appreciated. Before you begin editing, please take 5 minutes to read the Introduction to new contributors.
Made quite a few modifications to many pages (freenode -> Libera Chat) 2 okt. – installation updated
Breaking news – again?26 sep. 2022: Translated some modified units in Applications/Games. Changes are displayed \o/ 25 Sep. 2022: Now fuzzy-bot seems to begin doing its thing again. Some pages with long standing changes were unfuzzied. All of them appeared in the contributions list as if they were entered yesterday!
It seems that something similar happened to a number of other translators. New experimentI shall try to track fuzzy-bots actions on selected pages. Kdenlive/Manual/Projects_and_Files/Project_Tree
Kdenlive/Manual/File Menu/DVD Wizard
KDE Connect/Tutorials/Useful commands
June 12. 2021Does fuzzybot do its job properly? I shall monitor some pages here to see how things are working. Pages to be monitoredLatteDock: Last translated 1. June. Problem solved (checked 22. July)
Tellico/Templates Last translated 1. June. Problem solved (checked 22. July)
Kubuntu/Support Last translated 28. May.
Konversation/Configuring SASL authentication Was fully translated
KMail/Account Wizard Was fully translated
Asking Questions Was fully translated
Kontact Was fully translated
How to chat with other KDE users Was fully translated
Pages marked for translation do seem to show up in the list of pages, that need attention. Unbreaking News?5/11 2020: Are the fuzzybot-problems back? Koko and KuickShow (marked for translation 29/10 as well as KPhotoAlbum, Showfoto, Showfoto/Curves Adjust, Showfoto/Perspective and Digikam (marked on 1/11) have not shown up in the Translation tools page yet. Breaking NewsThe problems reported on this page seems to have been solved with the recent updat to the translate system!!! \o/ Problems with FuzzyBot handling of translationsMarked for translation but not appearing in Special:LanguageStatsNote: There are probably many more pages with this problem
Pages recently marked for translations again
New pages marked for translation
EksperimentingIt is odd that some pages are picked up by the translate system while others are not. I am going to experiment a bit to see if I can come up with an answer to why that is and possibly find a work-around in the process. 21/7 2020: One theory is that when someone works on the translations of a page it will be picked up. I marked KDE Connect/Tutorials/Useful commands up for translation after a new section had been added and then immediately went on to translate it. Prior to the new section the page had been translated to català, français, português do Brasil, and українська, all fully translated. Checking Special:LanguageStats for these languages shows the new unit added to the translate system and the translated versions of the pages are now shown to be 90% translated. It seems that this works. 21/7 2020: Modified unit 6 on Kdenlive, marked for translation and opened translation page, but without translating the unit. In stead I just "retranslated" an old unit (adding a character, removing it again and saving the unit). This to see if the page shows up in Special:LanguageStats with the modified unit having been marked as such. 24/7 2020: Marked Juk for translation - 3 new units were added. The page appeared immediately in LanguageStats, and the new units were displayed as untranslated; however entering translations failed with this message: This namespace is reserved for content page translations. The page you are trying to edit does not seem to correspond any page marked for translation. Maybe fuzzybot still needs to process the page even though it appears in LanguageStats? Kdenlive still does not appear in LanguageStats, and the modified unit is not marked as needing an update. Waiting for fuzzybot? 25/7 2020: Marked KDE Connect/Tutorials/Useful commands (modified unit 9, and 15) and KBibTeX/Development (modified units 69, 73, 10, and 11). 28/7 2020: Marked Marble/Tracking - just one modified unit. Page does not appear in LanguageStats and opening the translation page for this page shows no outdated units. As of today no page in this "experiment" has been updated. 1/8 2020: Marked KDiskFree (both modified and new units) and Plasma/Kickoff (new unit) 5/8 2020: Marked Plan (modified unit) 8/8 2020: Marked Amarok, Juk and KsCD (one new unit each) I'll keep monitoring these pages, but the experiment seems to have failed. Problems with some pagesAs of june 2020, some pages have been incorrectly handled by the translation system. They are marked by an * in the list above. Note: Not all pages have been checked for this problem! The problem is this: There are units, which have previously been translated and which do not show up in the list of outdated units. Also, they are not flagged in the list of all units. However, when these units are opened, a message appears saying that the unit may need to be updated. In some cases this is clearly not the case - nothing has changed in the English text; but in some cases significant changes have been made to the unit, and it should have been listed in outdated units. To make things worse, when you click Show differences in the message, the original text of the entire page is shown rather than just the text of the actual unit, which means that the only way to determine whether such a unit has changed is to compare the English text with the existing translation. Note: This should only affect those languages that had translations of a page prior to its being marked for translation again. More pages with this problem
All the examples on this page have been commented out to prevent the page from being very slow to load. If you want to see the outcome of a search example, just edit the page and remove the comment tags around the desired example. You don't need to save the page, a preview will give you the search results; that way you can experiment with the examples and easily restore the page to its original state when you are done. Searching for pages containing a certain text stringText without wiki markupEnter The Search template searches only the main namespace, and only original English pages. Example: To find all English pages containing the word 'application' - possibly capitalized enter this: {{Search|[Aa]pplication}}
Translated textEnter Example: To find all Danish pages containing the word 'program' - possibly capitalized enter this: {{SearchLang|[Pp]rogram|da}} Pages linking to a given pageUse Example: To find all pages linking to Getting Help enter {{LinksTo|Getting[ _]Help}} Text containing wiki markupIn case the Search template does not work for you use code like this to accomplish your desired result: <DPL> namespace = nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ titleregexp = ^[A-J] include = * includematch = @\{\{Remember\|@ includemaxlength = 0 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages beginning with A-J\n </DPL> <DPL> namespace = nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ titleregexp = ^K[A-Z] include = * includematch = @\{\{Remember\|@ includemaxlength = 0 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages beginning with KA-KZ\n </DPL> <DPL> namespace = nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ titleregexp = ^K[a-ce-z] include = * includematch = @\{\{Remember\|@ includemaxlength = 0 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages beginning with Ka-Kz but not Kd\n </DPL> <DPL> namespace = nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ titleregexp = ^Kd include = * includematch = @\{\{Remember\|@ includemaxlength = 0 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages beginning with Kd\n </DPL> <DPL> namespace = nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ titleregexp = ^[L-Z] include = * includematch = @\{\{Remember\|@ includemaxlength = 0 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages beginning with L-Z\n </DPL> Normally, you'd want to copy all of this into your page and modify the
Finding all pages not yet marked for translation<DPL> namespace = nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ titleregexp = ^[A-J] include = * includenotmatch = #<languages[ ]?/># includemaxlength = 0 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages beginning with A-J\n </DPL> ...
Find all templates using a given template<DPL> namespace = Template include = * includematch = /{{Icon/ includemaxlength = 0 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% templates using the Icon template\n </DPL>
Find discussion threads contributed by a userPerhaps more talk namespaces needs to be searched. <DPL> namespace = Talk | Thread createdby = AmirHP </DPL>
All English manual pages<DPL> titlematch = %/Manual% nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ namespace = | User | Draft resultsheader = Manual Pages: format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]]\n,, </DPL>
All English pages linking to a given page{{LinksTo|Plasma/Panels}}
Kopete Subpages in 3 columns<DPL> titlematch = Kopete/% notnamespace = Translations columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, </DPL>
Akonadi Subpages in Danish<DPL> titlematch = Akonadi%/da notnamespace = Translations format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, </DPL>
Archived pages<DPL> titlematch = % namespace = Archive columns = 2 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages in the Archive namespace. These are:\n </DPL>
NoIndexed pages<DPL> titlematch = % category = Noindexed_pages columns = 2 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages in the Noindexed_pages category. These are:\n </DPL>
Ignoring Deleted Pages"As for DPL. If you hit a page with ?action=purge attached to the URL (i.e. ), it will dump all the removed pages." Remaining old-style translations<DPL> titleregexp = .*(([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ notcategory = Template notnamespace = Thread notnamespace = Summary columns = 2 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages (partly) remaining in old-style translations. These are:\n </DPL>
Pages with old i18n bar<DPL> titlematch = % namespace = uses = Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages that still display the old i18n language bar\n </DPL> Pages with old i18n bar but w/o old-way-translated ones<DPL> nottitlematch = %_(%) namespace = uses = Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% relevant pages that still display the old i18n language bar\n </DPL>
Pages not updated since 1st July 2010<DPL> namespace = lastrevisionbefore = 201007010000 columns = 2 ordermethod=lastedit format = ,\n* () [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages without recent updates\n </DPL>
Listing Non-Translation Pages<DPL> nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ titlematch = Amarok% namespace = columns = 1 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% Amarok pages, not counting translations\n </DPL>
List all pages in a specific namespace<DPL> nottitleregexp = .*((/[a-z][a-z](.|-..)?)|([ _][(][a-z][a-z](...)?[)]))$ namespace = MediaWiki columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = These %TOTALPAGES% pages are in the Mediawiki namespace\n </DPL>
To count translated pages in a specific language:<DPL> titleregexp = ^[A-J].*/en notnamespace = Translations columns = 3 format = ,\n* [[User:Claus chr/DPL|Claus chr/DPL]],, resultsheader = There are %TOTALPAGES% pages (partly) translated to English. These are:\n </DPL> ... |
All English pages linking to a given page (template version)
The lesson here seems to be that, at least when include is involved, we can't rely on DPL handling more than one namespace at a time. This calls for a template: {{LinksTo|Getting[_ ]Help}} gives
So, to recap, the problem is this: We would like to find all pages that links to a given page (the target). The What links here
wiki page does not work well with links adapted to the translation extension, i.e. links of the form [[Special:myLanguage/target page]], which means that almost none of our links would be found.
Instead we have to use DPL to find those pages, but even here we have to be careful. The obvious search using the linksto
clause doesn't work either, probably for the same reason that What Links Here
failed. The solution is to search the content of every page for the occurrence of a link to the target page. The problem here is, that DPL has to write the entire content of a page into the page where the search occurs, then search the text, then filter out the text again (that's the includemaxlength=0
part) and leave only links to the pages that contain a link to the target page.
For some reason, these kinds of query cause some confusion to DPL. Specifying no namespace should result in the main namespace beeing searched, but as we saw above, not every matching page in main was found, and oddly one User: page was found. Specifying both namespaces in one search seems to work better, but still misses a User: page. The solution seems to be one search for each namespace: that seems to find everything with one exception: The start page Welcome to KDE UserBase seems to be outside of namespaces, and is never found. Let's hope it is one of a kind.
This method of searching has been implemented as a template {{LinksTo|target page}} (which can easily be modified to include more namespaces in the search).
Just to be clear: We are searching for the actual occurence of a link in the texts of pages. The search finds both Special:myLanguage links and old-style links. It tries to take every known variation into account (Special:, or special:, and mylanguage, Mylanguage, myLanguage, or MyLanguage). One variation we have to deal with by hand is, that spaces can be written either as a normal space chracter or as an underscore. Therefore we should either make to searches if the target name contains a space, or we could write [_ ]
wherever a space occurs in the name, as in {{LinksTo|Getting[_ ]Help}}
. Also note, that case is significant: {{LinksTo|getting[_ ]help}}
We just get two error messages (one for each search), since DPL gives an error message whenever a text search finds no match on any page.
The template
The code of the first half of the template is here:
{{#dpl: | namespace = Main | nottitleregexp = .*(/..(-..)?{{!}}_[(].*[)])$ | include = * | includematch = @\[\[([Ss]pecial\:[mM]y[lL]anguage/)?{{{1}}}(\]{{!}}\{{!}}{{!}}#)@ | includemaxlength = 0 | format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],, }}
The second half is the same, except that | namespace = Main
is replaced by | namespace = User
I couldn't make normal DPL tags work in the template, but fortunately the {{#dpl
parser function does work. To add more namespaces just add a copy of the first half of the template to then end, and in the copy replace | namespace = Main
by | namespace = Whatever
. From the DPL documentation you might think that to search the Main namespace, you could leave out the namespace
caluse altogether: That is not a good idea — in this context, it gets DPL confused so that it misses pages!
The nottitleregexp
clause filters out any page whoes path ends in /xx, /xx-xx, or _(x..), ie. it filters out all translated pages, both old and new. Since the pipe character has special meaning in a template, it has to be entered as {{!}}.
The includematch
clause is a perl regexpr, that matches text of the form [[Special:myLanguage/page path followed by either a ']', a '|', or a '#' character. We take into account that the S, the M, and the L of Special:MyLanguage are sometimes capitalized, and sometimes not.
The includemaxlength = 0
is to prevent DPL from entering (parts of) the content of the matched pages into the page containing the query.
Testing the template
{{LinksTo|User:Claus[_ ]chr}}
Problem nr. 1. We also find links to subpages of the target (doh!), but that should be simple to fix. (The error message just means that there were no linking pages in the Main namespace.)
Yes! There must be thousands of pages linking to some subpage of Amarok. They are obviously not found. Now can I find this link to Talk:Translation Workflow?
{{TestLinksTo|Talk:Translation[_ ]Workflow}}
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- Łukasz Sawicki (lucas)
This page is not found, but it is found if the same query is performed in another page! I guess, I should have expected that, given the way these queries are performed. Otherwise the page would have to include itself, which could lead to problems.
So we can find subpages — good thing too!
- 30. June 2011: Added search of the Talk namespace plus a line of text to make the template document its use.
- 18. July 2011: It seems this doesn't work! We do not find all the pages containing a given link. It seems that some resource is exceeded, and that only part of the pages are actually searched:
Consider the following two searches:
<DPL> nottitlematch = %/__ namespace = Main include = * includematch = /[Ss]eamless/ includemaxlength = 0 resultsheader = Nontranslated pages containing the string "seamless" format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]]\n,, </DPL>
Nontranslated pages containing the string "seamless"
Introduction to rekonq
Based initially on qtwebkit (and currently or kdewebkit), rekonq is a lightweight browser designed to use the WebKit rendering engine in combination with various KDE technologies, allowing it to integrate seamlessly into the KDE desktop. The name is a reference to the venerable khtml-based Konqueror which is currently the default KDE web browser.
rekonq has already replaced Konqueror as the default browser in Chakra, with more distributions expressing similar intent for their future releases. The current stable release version is rekonq 1.0 (July 2012).
<DPL> nottitlematch = %/__|%/__-__|% (%|%/___ namespace = Main include = * includematch = /[Ss]eamless/ includemaxlength = 0 resultsheader = Nontranslated pages containing the string "seamless" format = ,\n* [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]]\n,, </DPL>
Nontranslated pages containing the string "seamless"
Introduction to rekonq
Based initially on qtwebkit (and currently or kdewebkit), rekonq is a lightweight browser designed to use the WebKit rendering engine in combination with various KDE technologies, allowing it to integrate seamlessly into the KDE desktop. The name is a reference to the venerable khtml-based Konqueror which is currently the default KDE web browser.
rekonq has already replaced Konqueror as the default browser in Chakra, with more distributions expressing similar intent for their future releases. The current stable release version is rekonq 1.0 (July 2012).
Introduction to Filters
KWord has the ability (with varying success) to load data from foreign (non-KOffice) data files. KWord also has the ability to save data as non-KOffice data files. This is provided to help users of KWord to interact more seamlessly with people who use other operating systems and wordprocessors.
KWord does this by loading a non-KOffice datafile into memory and passing the data through a filter to extract as much information as possible from the data file. Some formatting information will be lost or changed by the filter in the attempt.
When KWord reads data into KWord from a non-KOffice file format, it is importing the data.
When KWord saves a KWord document as a non-KOffice file format, it is exporting the data.
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Command ine Options | Filters included in KWord |
The first search excludes most translated pages, namely those ending on /la with la a two letter language code; the second search is identical except that it excludes all translated pages including remaining old style translations. You would expect the latter search to find fewer matches not more since it searches among fewer pages. On the other hand, if some capacity is exceeded by the search then the first search would run out of space first and so find fewer hits.